chapter 39

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Percy pov-

I am freaking out.

Wade is taking me to dinner and a movie in an hour and I don't know what to wear or how to do my hair. I dig through my closet, looking for something to wear.

I have never been so stressed out and nervous. Sighing, I walk out of my room and knock on Wanda's door.

"Hey." She says when she opens the door.

"My date with Wade is in 56 minutes and I don't know what to wear or how to do my hair."

"Let's get you ready then." She says,  emote leading me back to my room. "First, go wet your hair."


"Just do it." She says, before turning to my closet.

I go to my bathroom and turn on the bath. I run my hair beneath the faucet and then return to where Wanda is. She starts picking up different articles of clothing and holding them up to see what they would look like on me. After like 20 different things, she decides on a mint green ruffled dress.

"You will wear silver jewelry and wear white shoes and a white jacket with this." She tells me. "Now, go change into that and then I'll do your hair."

I go to the bathroom and change into the dress. I'm not sure what she's doing with my hair that it had to be wet.

Once I go back out, she has me sit down at my vanity. She quickly grabs a towel and starts drying my hair like that. Once it's only a bit damp, she stops and moves to my jewelry box. She grabs out silver dangly earrings and a silver heart locket. The hands them to me to put on. After I do, I open the locket. There's nothing in it. She slides some bangles on my wrist and tells me to go get a pair of white heels.

"I'm don't particularly like heels." I tell her.

"It'll look good, trust me." I nod and go to my closet to look for heels.

"I don't have any heels." I say

"Then we will get some from my room. We are almost the same size. I've taken your shoes before." She says. I roll my eyes and follow her to her room.

She pulls a pair of white heels out and hands them to me. I start to put them on, but she stops me.

"You have to paint your toenails white first." She says. "Unless you have a green color that will match this dress."

"I think I might." I say

"Go get it and paint your toenails. When they dry, put the shoes on and come back here."

I do exactly that and she hands me a white jacket and a white clutch purse. She also paints my fingernails and fixes my hair parting again.

"You're ready." She says

"I'm not wearing makeup." I say

"You don't need to. I think you look better without it."

I go back to my room and grab my phone. I still have about 12 minutes until it's time to go. Wade texted me saying that he's on his way. 

I put my phone and wallet in the small clutch and start slowly walking down the stairs, careful not to fall.

I got to the ground floor pretty quickly, after I took off my shoes. I start to put them back on when Wade comes through the front door. He's wearing a button up long sleeve shirt and jeans, with a jacket thrown on.

"Hey." He says. "I didn't expect you to be down already. I was about to text you."

"I don't like elevators, so I had to take the stairs. There are lots of stairs. I had to start on my way down like ten minutes ago." I explain.

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