chapter 13

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Jason pov-

I've never seen Percy like this. She looked like a crazy person. Andrew once told me that when they were in Tartarus, Percy drowned a goddess of poison in her own poison. He told me that the look on Percy's face could have killed him. She looked like she was enjoying it.

She knocks Drew to the ground and whispers something in her ear, before releasing her and dusting herself off. Drew gets up and runs away.

She looks at her hands surprisedly, before taking off toward the exit of the graveyard.

"I've never seen her like that" Travis says

"That was not the kid I met when I was 12" Grover comments

"She's just lost" Nico says "I was like that at one point and I took my anger out on Percy"

"What?" Piper asks

"When I met Percy I was 9, she was 13, and my big sister was alive" He explains "They were going on a trip. Bianca never came home. It was an accident in a junk yard, she was crushed by something falling on her. I was angry at Percy. I didn't know what to to. I never hated Percy though. I fell for her. I had the biggest crush on her." He looks at me "but, anyway, I was lost and I wanted my sister back, so I became bitter and resentful at everything. I actually used to be a joyful kid, believe it or not."

"You were an annoying kid" Thalia says

"I remember. 'Can you surf? Is Andy your boyfriend? If he's so smart how'd he get lost? I love mythomagic. Do you and Thalia fight a lot?'" Grover tries to do an impression of little Nico

"Shut up" Nico says coldly

"That wasn't what this was" I cut in

"How do you know"

"Andrew told me a story from when they were... out of commission." They all look confused when I say that

"Okay...when they were 6 feet under" still nothing "When they fell for each other"

They still look confused and I'm done with this guessing game

"When they fell to Tartarus" There is a series of 'Oh's and 'that makes more sense'

"Well anyway he said..." I pause "this would be so much easier if we could explain everything to them"

"Just keep going we'll explain it to them later" Thalia says

"When they went...there they met a goddess, Akhlys or something. She was a goddess of poison. She was going to kill them so Percy did what she had to do. She controlled the poison, like it was water, and drowned the goddess in her own poisonous despair. Andy said the look on Percy's face horrified him. He told me that in that moment, he realized that if Percy wanted, she could destroy things as well as she could preserve them."

"Holy Hades" Conner

"So it is true. They did fall to Tartarus?" the avenger with the Cape asks.

"Yes" I say at the same time as Nico says "styx"

"What" Hazel asks worriedly

"It's Percy's soul" He says "its... she's dying I think."

Percy pov-

I run home after my little incident with Drew.

I can't believe that I let myself become such a monster. I shouldn't let myself be like this. I shouldn't let myself be this monster.

I scare myself. I am so scary that I fear myself. What happened to me? I use to be so care free.

I go into my apartment and Gabe is passed out on the couch. I quietly make my way to my bedroom and go inside. The lights are off and there is still broken glass covering my entire floor.

I haven't cleaned it up because I like feeling the cool glass break through my skin. I also enjoy how my blood looks against the glass.

I took off my shoes at the front door so I wouldn't track dirt inside, so my feet are bare as I walk across the glass. I don't even flinch as the first shards bury themselves in my feet.

I walk to my dresser and pull out a tank top and shorts. I quickly change into them and walk out to the bathroom, where I rinse the red out of my hair and dig through the cabinet for my sleeping pills. Lately sleeping has been difficult so I bought these at CVS.

After I get a glass of water, I go back to my room where I lay on the bed and plug in my earbuds. I put on a playlist that I made in my mom's honor.

It has songs she loved, including Dream by Pricilla Ahn, Fireflies and Songs by Sarah Groves, Holding Out for a Hero by Ella Mae Bowen, and others.

I start swallowing the pills until they are gone. I hope this works I.

I am crying, while I try to fall asleep.

The song I'm listening to is one my mother used to sing to me before I would fall asleep as a child.

It is called Bell, Book, and Candle by Eddi Reader

I close my eyes and hope that the song my mother used as a lullaby when I was young would lull me to sleep the way it use to. It won't be the same without mom's voice, but I can imagine she's here with me. I'll be with her soon enough. A smile comes to my lips as I doze off.

It's not maniacal.

It's not fake.

It is a real smile. The one use to have before my mother died and I lost everything that I cared about.

The smile i share with my beautiful mother.

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