chapter 30

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Percy pov-

When we get back to the house, we all agree to forget about those people back there.

"We should throw a party!" Nikki says

"Yes" everyone agrees. I'm not really in much of a part mood, but I guess I could go for a few drinks.

"Us girls will get ready, while you guys call everyone we know down here and invite them." Nikki says before we all run upstairs to Nikki's room.

"I have a ton of party clothes in my closet because I come down here a lot, so you guys can borrow some." Nikki tells us, mainly me.

"Um I brought clothes." I say

"I know, but the clothes you brought aren't really the type of clothes you wear to this type of party. Your wardrobe is kind of... prudish." Ashleigh explains

"What does that even mean?" I ask

"Your clothes don't show enough skin and everyone at this party will be showing a lot of skin, so we'll help you out with it" Chelsea tells me

"Okay?" I say unsurely.

"We will get dressed first then we'll help you Percy, okay?" Nikki says

"Sure" I say

They all go over to the closet and I really don't know what to do. I just sit on Nikki's bed and mess around on my phone.

Once they finish getting dressed I look at their outfits and my jaw drops. "Ever heard of leaving a little to the imagination?" I ask

"Why let them imagine when they can see the real thing" Nikki says perkily.

She is wearing a skin tight latex dress that doesn't even go down to her mid thigh. It is a white color that contrasts beautifully with her dark skin. The neck is cut low and there is a diamond cut in her stomach area, revealing her entire stomach including her bellybutton piercing. She is wearing black stiletto heals. Her naturally wavy, black hair is straightened with a waterfall type braid. She looked very pretty but also very trampy.

Ashleigh is wearing a pink bandeau and a black mini pencil skirt. Suspenders are running from the skirt to over her shoulders. You can see the waistband of her pink thong because of how low her skirt goes on her hips. Her blonde hair is scrunched.

Chelsea is wearing a pair of blue short shorts with a white sparkly belt. Her top is a white sparkly halter crop top. It cuts off just below her breasts. Her shoes are long white boots that go to just above her knee. Her red hair is braided to the side in a loose fishtail.

"So, what do I wear?" I ask

"Come here" Nikki says before pulling out a bunch of dresses from her closet. "I'm thinking red for you. It'll look good with your hair and skin tone."

She pulls out the last few red ones and sits them on her bed. After looking through, Nikki, Ashleigh, and Chelsea narrow it down to about 5 dresses.

They have me try on each of them and eventually we pick one. Its really tight and breathing is a bit difficult in this dress, but Nikki says that 'beauty is pain'. It is red and has black criss cross laces going up the sides. The same laces are over my stomach and it is a low cut strapless v-neck which shows a lot of cleavage. My shoes are black heels that also have laces that wrap around my low ankles.

The girls sit me down at Nikki's vanity. They mess around with my hair before deciding to just leave it naturally wavy. They move on to my makeup which they do rather quickly.

Chelsea places a black choker on my neck and a black bracelet on my wrist along with black rose earrings.

We walk over to the mirror and I realize how short this dress is. It just covers my body and is really uncomfortable, but I do look good on red.

We all head downstairs and the boys all wolf whistle at us. I feel the heat rise to my cheeks as I look to the ground.

"I don't want to wear this dress." I say

"Why?" Chelsea asks

"Its uncomfortable"

"C'mon Percy. You look great" Blake says

"Beauty is pain" Nikki repeats what she said earlier

"Deal with it" Ashleigh says

"I look like a slut" I say, pouting.

"And that looks. Good" Nikki explains.

I huff "I should probably call my uncle. If I don't, he might call during the party and that would suck." The girls grin, knowing they won and I won't get changed.

I go up to the room I share with Ashleigh and dial Uncle Tony.

"Hey, Perce! How's it going" He asks

"It's good. We were about to go to a movie, and I was just checking in." I feel proud of my excuse for why I can't talk long.

"Well then, I'll leave you to it" He says

"I'll call you tomorrow" I say

"Okay, I love you"

"Love you too. Bye"


After the phone call, I head downstairs to find Nikki, Ashleigh, Chelsea, Blake, Justin, Tod, Wade, and Flash on their phones.

Nikki hangs up first and explains that they are getting ahold of people for the party.

I really need a drink. 

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