chapter 35

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Wade pov -


That's all I felt when I heard the gunshots go off. At least, until Percy shoved me out of the way and took the bullets instead.

She swayed on her feet for a minute and then started to fall. Being right next to her, I caught her before she hit the ground. I sink on the ground with her.

Her breathing is shaky and her eyes are squeezed shut. I look up at the guy who shot her. His eyes are wide and the gun is still in his hand.

He drops it and rushes to Percy. He pushes me away and pulls her onto his lap.

"Im sorry, Perce. I'm so so sorry." He continues to apologize over and over again.

I quickly grab the gun and untie Flash, the closest person to where I am.

"Go call 911 then untie everyone else." I tell him, before raising the gun toward the crazy blonde guy.

"Get your hands off of her." I growl.

He looks up to glare at me, before noticing the gun.

"If you don't get away from her, I will shoot you." I say

"No you won't. You are like 17 and you know you don't have what it takes to shoot someone."

"You don't know me or what I can do." I tell the boy. "What's your name?"

"Andrew Chase"

"Okay, Andrew Chase. Get away from Percy."

He looks at her and sets her on the ground before quickly lunging at me. I'm knocked to the ground and he is on top of me, trying to pull the gun from my hands. Suddenly he stops struggling for the gun and he rolls off of me.

That's when I notice the blood on his hands. He pulls a kitchen knife out of his back and I get up. I hit him with the handle of the gun a few times and he passes out.

I look over at percy. She is sitting up now using her left arm for support. She is looking at me worriedly. "Are you hurt?" She croaks.

"Am I hurt?"

"Well it's pretty obvious that I'm hurt. I'm making sure I didn't take two bullets, just for you to get hurt in a different way." Her voice is shaky and she sounds pissed. "If someone doesn't call an ambulance, I'm going to kill someone."

"Just called" Flash speaks up.

"Good" she says "where'd the knife hit him"

"Looks like in the back" I tell her.

"Good" she says "Styx. Why is everything blurry?" Her head lolls back and her arm stops supporting her.

Sirens are heard distantly

The ambulance and police arrive shortly after Percy passed out.

The paramedics come in and take Percy and Andrew Chase into an ambulance.

"That guy was the one who shot her. She stabbed him in defence." I say to a cop.

"I need to know what happened in full detail." An officer says.

I start to explain, starting with the first time he approached us at the beach...

Tony pov-

Something felt wrong

We were eating dinner and I just had a bad feeling.

The other avengers must have noticed because Thor asked what was wrong and that guy is rather oblivious.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now