chapter 18

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Steve pov-

I wake up at 6:00 as usual and walk out to the kitchen. I grab a gronola bar and a water bottle before sitting down at the table and starting to eat

After a few seconds someone walks in.

"Hi" Percy says

"Hi. What are you ping up so early?" I ask

"I'm used to being up early because nightmares keep me on a tight schedule." She says

"Oh" is all I manage.

"So what's up?"

"I'm about to go for a run, if you want to join" I say

"Yeah. I think I'll come," she walks to the fridge and grabs a water "but I don't have a change of clothes or shoes, so can we stop at my apartment"

"I think it would be better if you just borrowed something from Natasha or Wanda" I say

"I feel like I'm intruding" she says, blushing

"It's fine. I'll just go ask Wanda. She's a lot less scary than Natasha in the morning" I say, standing up

"Okay" She follows me to Wanda's room.

We get there and I knock on the door.

A few seconds later Wanda opens the door.

"What do you need, Steve" she asks

"Can Percy borrow some clothes? We were going to go for a run"

She nods and let's Percy into her room.

A few minutes later, Percy meets me back in the kitchen. She is wearing a loose red tank top and black cropped athletic pants. She is also wearing Wanda's sneakers. A tattoo is visible on her arm.

"Im ready" she says

"Won't you be cold. It's November" I say

"I won't be cold if I'm running" she says

We walk to the elevator. She seems a little bit uncomfortable so I start talking.

"My friend might be there" I say

"What's their name?"

"Sam" I say "He was a soldier too and sometimes uses the superhero name Falcon."

"That's cool" she says

"I'm going to warn you. I am a super soldier and I am fast" I say

"I'm going to warn you. I am a demigod and I'm fast too" she says

We walk for a while, until we get to my usual route.

I see Sam is already here and running. He came to New York recently.

I start running and Percy isn't far behind me.

I pass Sam and yell "on your left"

When Percy gets to Sam she doesn't say anything while she runs past him. He gets frustrated and tries to run faster.

Eventually we a stop running and I walk over to Sam

"Hi Sam" I say

"Hey Steve" He says breathlessly "where'd you get the kid that can almost run as fast as you"

"Oh, Hi. I'm Percy" Percy says walking over

"How do you run like you aren't human" Sam asks her

"Well I'm technically half human" she says

"Of course you are" Sam says "What's the other half"

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