Chapter 4

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Peter pov-

I was finishing my homework at around 6.

Dinner would be at 6:30 and it would only be Nat, Clint, Steve, and I. Bruce is working on something in his lab, Tony is at a party thing with Pepper, Wanda is out with her friends, and Thor is on Asgard.

When I finish my homework, I go into the bathroom and take a quick shower. Once I'm done, I get dressed and head down to the kitchen.

Everyone is already there when I enter. They are just sitting at the table looking bored.

"Did you order the pizza yet" I ask

"No" Clint says

"Why" I ask

"Nobody wanted to call" Clint explained "I said that I wasn't doing it this time, then Nat wouldn't call and neither would Steve."

"Oh my God." I exclaim "give me the phone"

They all grin and I call the pizza place.I make our order and they smile at me.

"Im not paying" I say

"Of course not. Tony is" clint pulls out a clip of money

"Did you steal that, Clint?" Steve asks


"Don't lie" Steve says

"Yes" Clint admits


"Aren't you going to make me give it back" clint asks

"No. I don't want to pay, so it's better off this way" Steve says and we all laugh.

When the pizza gets here, Clint goes to pay, while Steve and I get the pizzas.

We sit down to eat when my phone rings

Nat gets it before me.

"Who's Percy" she asks

"Oh, she's just a friend" I say

"She's his crush" Clint tells her

"Oooh" Nat teases me

"Just give me my phone, before it stops ringing" she hands me the phone and I answer, walking out of the room


"Peter," she sounds scared "I need your help. I'm really hurt ba-"

She stops ubruptly and I hear some static, then it sounds like she dropped the phone

"Percy?" I ask "are you still there"

I hang up the phone and go to the elevator. I run in the direction of her apartment. She told me at school that she lived in this cheap apartment on 1st Ave. I don't know the apartment number.

I don't want to go through the front, so I climb the fire escape. She also told me that her room is next to the fire escape, so I got lucky there.

I see the fire escape and it's broken. I use a dumpster nearby to jump onto the ladder. Climbing the stairs, I look into windows, trying to see which one Percy is in. I really hope she is home and in her room.

I get to a room with a closed window. I can barely see inside, but I can see blood on the window.

'Oh shit'

I open the window and climb through.

I see a girl. She is on the floor, laying on her stomach. Her hair is a mess and she is covered in blood.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now