chapter 21

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Percy pov-

After dinner we get ready and go down to the training room.

Me and Thor go to the place where we will be fighting and the others just stand a few meters away, as to not get injured

"Do you have your weapon, young hero?" Thor asks me

"Yes" I smirk and pull the pen out of my pocket.

"Good choice. Anaklusmos, your first weapon. A gift from your father and your only named weapon" He says

"I see you did your research on me" I say

"Just common knowledge back on Asgard" He states

"Truthfully, I don't really find that creepy and I'm actually kind of flattered" I say "Where's you're weapon?"

"Right here" he pulls out a large hammer

"Can we use powers" I ask

"Not for the first round, but if we go again then yes" He says and I nod

"Let's start"

I uncap riptide and it grows to my full length sword.

"Are you sure you want to battle me?" I ask "I can be kind of unpredictable in battle"

"Just like the sea" He says before charging at me. I sidestep and he swings his hammer at me. I duck under it and slice his back with lightning like speed.

He turns to face me and I smirk at him. He swings his hammer again, but this time I get hit. It hits me in the shoulder and I fall to the ground.

He goes to hit me again but I swing one of my legs and knock him down. That gives me time to get up and get ready for another hit.

When he stands he gets in an offensive stance. I see that he has less defence on his left side, so I feint a move to the left then go to the right and slice his side.

He once again hits me with the hammer, but this time he nails me in the head. I fly back and hit the wall with a thud. I stand up and feel something run down my nose.


I wipe it away and get ready to harte back at him. Before I get anywhere his hammer is flying through the air at me. It is headed for my gut, but instead of letting it hurt me, I catch it. It's kind of heavy and it doesn't balance correctly in my hand but, I want to beat him, so I hold onto it and charge toward him. I don't even notice the shocked look on his face as i slam his hammer into the side of his head. He falls to the ground and rolls onto his back, groaning.

"It hurts doesn't it!?" I yell angrily before pulling out riptide and holding it at his throat. "Do you surrender?"

"Yes" He says and I reach my hand toward him to help him up. He takes my hand and I give him his hammer. We walk to the others and Loki stands up. "I do not wish to fight you again in a battle with powers"

"May I fight you as well, Lady Persephone?" He asks

"Sure" I sigh and grab Peter's half drank water bottle "Thanks for the water Pete"

"Why'd you take my water?!"

"I am thirsty. Deal with it" I say, handing him the now empty water bottle. I can feel my injuries start to heal.

"Okay. I'm ready. Let's fight Loki" I say, before making my way back to where me and Thor fought.

"Magic or no?" He asks

"You pick" I tell him

"magic" He says


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