chapter 26

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Peter pov-

It has been about a month since Percy lost her memories. She and I haven't been connecting the same. She socializes with the popular kids at school and it's kind of upsetting that she doesn't hang out with me as much.

We told her that she was living with us since her mom died. We also told her that her mother died in childbirth. So far, none of her memories have returned, but she has reoccurring nightmares about her past even though she doesn't know it's her past.

Tony bought her an entirely new wardrobe and the clothes are all bright an in fashion.

Though we don't hang out anymore, we still walk home from school together and talk sometimes at home.

Right now I am at school and it is lunch time. Percy is sitting with the cool kids like she has known them forever.

She looks absolutely stunning. Her raven hair is straightened and falling down her back. She is wearing a white collared shirt, with the buttons undone enough to show some cleavage. The shirt is skin tight and cuts off just below her belly button. Her ripped skinny jeans come almost to the place where the shirt stops, but not quite, so you can see some skin. She has a Bermuda tan and it just adds to her beauty.

She seems to be the only popular kid with a soul. She smiles at everyone in the halls and stops bullies when she sees them.

She looks over at me and smiles. Her smile is breathtaking. Unlike her smile from before, this one is pure joy and happiness. I smile back at her and she returns to her conversation. Soon the bell goes off and she walks out with her friends.

I sigh, before throwing away the remainder of my lunch and heading to class.

It's PE.

Percy is in this class, but so is Ashleigh Carlile and Flash Thompson along with a few other popular boys. They are two of the meanest populars.

Everyone sits on the bleachers while the teacher starts to stand before us.

"We're playing dodge ball. We need two captains... Thompson and Johnson." He says, pointing at Flash and a geeky boy "heads or tails, Thompson?"

"Heads" He says and coach flips the coin before nodding at him

"You get first choice" He points to Flash

"Tom" He says, referring to one of the popular boys.

The two of them go back and forth until their cliques are all chosen, Flash's includes Percy. I don't really have any friends so I'm still sitting on the bleachers with a few loners, the jocks, the druggies, and the emo kids.

Johnson starts picking the loners and emo mids, while Flash picks the jocks and the druggies. This means that I am on Johnson's team.

We all go to our starting lines and coach sets the dodge balls in the middle. When he blows the whistle we all start.

My team all stays at the starting line and basically let's the other team hit them. A ball comes near Johnson and he throws it at Percy. Percy isn't paying attention, but her lighting fast reflexes kick in and she catches it with one hanf. When she realizes what happened she looks confused and surprised, but just ignores it and throws the ball back at Johnson. It hits him on the shoulder.

Eventually our entire team is out and they have won. I don't really care because we had no chance at winning.

The bell goes off and everybody leaves. My next class is math, so I go and sit through the class. Afterward, it's the end of the day, so I walk to my locker.

When I get there, Flash and his friends stand behind me.

Percy pov-

I get out of my last class and walk for a few minutes with Ashleigh to her locker.

We talk for a minute before I walk to Peter's locker so we can walk home together.

When I get there, I see Flash holding him by his collar and holding a fist by his face. The scene seems familiar, but I cant place it anywhere.

I walk up to them and say to Flash "Stop it, Flash"

"Why should i?" He asks

"Because I said so and if you don't I will be pissed at you" I say

"Why would I care about that?"

"Because your attracted to me." He looks at me surprised "your look at me a lot and your pupils dilate when you look and someone you are attracted to"

"You are pretty sexy, but I don't like you like that" He lies terribly, and lets go of Peter

"Yes you do" I say before grabbing Peter's wrist and pulling him out the doors to the school

"Thanks Perce" He says when we get outside.

"Why do you let them bully you, Pete?" I ask him "you can obviously kick their butts, because you're a superhero, so why?"

"I cant show the school that I'm Spiderman and I can't give them any ideas that could lead them to thinking I'm Spiderman."

I huff and we start walking home. When we get in, we go into the kitchen and I grab a gronola bar from the cabinet, while he grabs a glass of iced tea.

"Why do you eat these things?" He asks "They're gross"

"They're not that bad, and they're good for you" I explain "I'm also trying to lose some weight"

"You have a perfect body, why do you want to is weight"

"I just want to lose my extra weight" I say

"Whatever" He says

"I'm gonna go do my homework" I say "see you later, Pete"

I make my way out of the kitchen, and I can feel.him staring at me. It's obvious that he likes me. He compliments me all the time and his pupils dilate when he sees me. He also glances at my lips sometimes in the middle of conversations.

If peter would just make a move and either ask me out or kiss me I would probably say yes. I mean, he's cute and sweet. He probably thinks that I'll reject him.

I get on the elevator and for some reason I feel a bit nervous. I always feel nervous on elevators. They just give me the chills for some reason.

When I get to my room, I lay down on the bed and close my eyes for a minute. I then get up and plug my phone into my speakers. I blast some of the music that I have downloaded on it.

It is weird music, that no one really listens to at school except to emo kids, but I really like it. The first song is something by a band called My Chemical Romance.

I don't know the name, but I know the words and I can sing along.

I find it kind of funny how my mind remembers this song, when it can't remember my middle name or my 16th birthday.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now