chapter 22

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Percy pov-

I am walking alone in the dark. No one is around and everything is silent. It's an bad silence. I know I'm dreaming, but this is weird.

Suddenly a light turns on somewhere and I can see that I'm in a hallway. At one end, there is a door. At the other is another door.

The silence slips away too. I can hear someone calling my name from both sides. One is the voice of a child. The voice is high pitched and frantic. She is calling for help. Unfortunately the voice on the other side is yelling the exact same things. The only difference is that the voice is deep and scratchy.

"Help, come help me Percy" They say in unison "the person on the other side is going to kill us both if you let it out. Don't let it out"

I don't know which side to go to. They both say help. I step toward the child's voice and the deep voice yells at me to stop.

"What are you doing?! Don't let the monster out" it yells "she will kill us both"

"Who do I save?" I call out to anyone who can help me. That's when I start to see light shine below both doors. Flames lick the bottom of the doors. They both start banging on their doors in the same pattern.

The pattern is familiar. It's like I've heard it, but I cant place the name of the song it's from.

I start walking in the direction of the deep voice. The kid's voice starts screaming for help


Both of the voices start yelling about how the other is evil and that I have to pick. I go toward the little kid.

I get halfway down the hallway before I hit something cold. A mirror.

I wasn't seeing two doors. I was seeing one in a mirror. That means the kid was the monster. In the reflection I see the deep voiced person broke down the door. I turn to run toward the man and he tries to get to me but something grabs me and pulls me into the mirror, which is no longer solid.

I fall through and suddenly the world that i was in, is sideways. The light from the room slowly disappears as I fall further.

I feel things touching my arms and I try to grab one of them. They are human hands (an like the ones from the movie labyrinth video is above)

"HELP" I scream out of fear "HELP ME, PLEASE"

The hands start grabbing me and soon I stop

"What are you doing" I ask

The hands put themselves together to form a face "helping"

"No you're not"

"Of course we are. We are Helping Hands" another face with a different voice says

"But it hurts" I say because they are gripping me really tight

"Then we'll let go" a different hand face with a different voice says.

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