chapter 9

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Percy pov-

Over the past few weeks I have stuck to a routine:

Wake up

Apply makeup to cover up new bruises

Try to leave for school

Get beat

Go to school

Hang out with Peter

Go home

Get beat again

Go to sleep


I am also trying to lose weight. I was looking at my reflection and noticed some things I want to change about myself, one of those things being that I was to get rid of my extra weight. I also want to start wearing more makeup. My flaws are really noticeable without it.

Today I got up and looked at myself in the mirror. I pull up my shirt to reveal my stomach. I can clearly see my ribs but I also see fat. I'll just eat less at lunch today.

I get dressed in a plain black hoodie, black leggings, and sneakers.

My wardrobe has been reduced to all dark clothes. Anything light ends up stained with blood.

I go out to the living room and Gabe is in the kitchen

"I'm going to school" I say

"Wait, I have something for you" He throws his beer bottle at me. I wasn't expecting it so I almost didn't have time to duck and it hits the wall behind me and glass showers over me. Somehow I get a shard in my cheek. I pull it out and leave the house

I go to school and find Peter at his locker.

"Hi" I say

"Hey" He says "What happened?" Schist. I make something up quickly to explain the cut I have on my cheek

"I slipped and fell into my mirror this morning" I lie.

"You need to be more careful Percy" He teases "but seriously you get cuts and bruises every week you need to be more careful"

"I know" I say

"Oh I have good news" He exclaims

"What happened" I ask

"I'll tell you at lunch"

"Tell me" I whine

"Not until lunch" He replies and I stick my tongue out at him

We head to class and the day drones on.


"Okay it's lunch time. Now spill" I say

"I met a girl and we hit it off really well, so now we're dating" He says excotedly.

My heart drops but I don't let him see that I'm upset "That's great Peter. I can't wait to meet her"

I developed a crush on him at some point a d hearing that he now has a girlfriend stings a little.

"You can meet her later. She just started here so she needs time to catch up on her work and stuff." Peter says

"I don't feel well, Peter. I think I'm going to go to the nurse" I say

"Are you okay" I nod and make my way towards the nurse's office

"Hi, Mrs. Nolan" I say "I feel sick to my stomach."

"Do you want to lay down for a bit" I nod and she takes me to a part of the room that has hospital bed type things

"Do you you want me to call your parents"

"My guardian is my step dad and no" I say "He's busy during the day"

"If I called and got permission, do you think he would let you walk home or something" she asks "or I could ask a teacher to give you a ride. Do you have another relative that can take you home?"

"I have an uncle" I say

"What's his number"

"It's in my phone" I say "Can I just call him. He might not answer if he doesn't know the number"

"Go ahead" she says as I pull out my phone and dial Tony

"Hey, uncle Tony?" I ask

"Whatcha need percy?"

"I'm at school and I'm sick. Can you come pick me up"

"Yeah I'll come and get you"

"Thanks" I hang up

"He's coming" I tell the nurse

"Okay, sweetheart. Go get anything you need from your locker and come back here" she says

"I'm have everything I need"

"Okay, then lay down until he's here"

I lay down and fall asleep

"Hey, Percy" Someone is shaking me awake

I sit up and stretch "Hi uncle Tony"

"Let's go" He says and I follow him out to his car

Not a car. It is not a car. It is a limo and there is like fifty people all get here around it

I pull my hood up and we get into the limo.

"Was the limo really necessary?" I ask him


He drops me off at my apartment building and I go to my apartment. When I get inside, Gabe is passed out on the couch, so I just go to my room lay down on my bed

I want to cry. I can't though. I'm growing up and I can't cry anymore. I will not allow myself to cry, especially over a stupid boy

I pull out my phone and earbuds and put them on. I put my music on full blast, to try to drown out the sound of my thoughts. I then pull out my sketch book and continue my sketch of an hour glass.

This sketch is going to represent how I'm slowly dieing. I put a mermaid in the top of it and a girl in the bottom. I'll also put water in instead of sand. When the time runs out they will both die. (AN picture us above)

At some point while sketching I drift to sleep...

Peter pov-

After Percy left the day went by quickly and I got home.

I am talking to Clint.

"I have a girlfriend" I say proudly

"So you finally asked Percy out? Good. I'm prou-"

"It's not Percy" I cuts me off

"Why not" He asks

"It's got tired of waiting for her to show interest and the girl I'm dating is just so pretty and amazing. We started dating immediately her voice sounds like magic. She's just a charming person overall"

"Did you tell percy?" He asks


"What'd she say"

"Well at first she looked kind of taken back, then she congratulated me" I explain

"It's that it?"

"She went to the nurse and went home early" I say

"Damn Pete, you blew your chance with Percy" He tells me

"What do you mean?"

"She looked 'taken back' because she likes you and was jealous. She went home early because she was upset"

"Well it doesn't matter now anyway." I say angrily "I have a girlfriend and I like her alot"

"What's her name, Pete?" He asks

"Drew Tanka"

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