chapter 50

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Percy pov

The elevator opens to reveal a really angry, really tired, looking set of avengers.

"Hey." I say, smiling guilty at the avengers.

"Percy, Wanda, Peter," Steve says "what's going on?"

"So, wade, nikki, ashleigh, and Flash were in trouble and needed a place to crash. I said they could stay here because I wanted to help them." I explain.

"Percy, you can't just bring a bunch of teens into the tower. What if something happened?" Tony asks.

"Something did happen." I say, still unable to lie. "We got stuck in the freaking elevator and Aphrodite charmed is so we couldn't lie and I'm guessing we're still charmed."

"Well, maybe if you didn't invite a charm sparking goddess into our home-"

"Wanda, tell Peter to shut up, or I will kick him in the freaking shin." I avoid cursing so I am not scolded by Steve.

"Peter, Percy is going to kick you in the shin of you don't shut the hell up." Wanda says.

"Why are you so upset with me?" Peter asks me.

"I swear to the gods, Peter. If I hear your voice again..." I trail off at Tony' s disapproving look. "I'm sorry, Peter. Im upset at a lot of things right now. Before we continue can I call Dite and get her to uncharm us?"

He allows me to do so and I quickly call Aphrodite. She makes it quick and arrives within a matter of 2 minutes. After uncharming us, she leaves as fast as she came.

"Let's get this lecture over with." I grumble.

"Percy, I don't think you understand. I'm going to have to ground you. Firstly, you brought your friends home without permission, then you didn't tell anyone. After that, you got stuck in the elevator and some everyone up with your shouting along with Peter's." Tony says.

I look at the ground. "I'm sorry."

"Your still grounded." Tony says.

"And who is going to enforce it? You, they guy who can't even take care of himself properly? I wake you up most nights to get you out of the lab. Steve makes sure you eat healthy. Natasha has to lock your alcohol cabinet-"

"Go to your room." He says, angrily. I open my mouth to protest. "NOW!"

I march off to the steps, hurt and angry, regretting what I just said.

Tony pov-

"NOW!" I yell at Percy.

She storms off angrily and I run my hand over my face, frustratedly.

"Parker, explain everything now." I say

"We were watching movies after you went to the lab and then Percy got a call from Wade asking for help. We let them in and then we were going to go upstairs so that we didn't wake anyone, but the elevator got stuck and Aphrodite charmed us to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Lots of words were said and a few people got upset-" Peter was cut off by Wanda.

"By that he means, he got in a few fights with Percy."

Pete glared at her. "And then it started moving again and now we're here."

"Why couldn't they go home?" Clint asks.

"We were at a party and had been drinking so we couldn't drive home. None of us wanted to walk all the way home either." Wade says.

"I'll drive them home, Tony." Steve says.

"No, I will. Someone go talk to Percy. Make sure she knows I'm not mad at her." I say.

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now