chapter 29

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Percy pov-
A wake up to someone shaking me again.

"Get up. We're here." Wade says.

"Okay" I say, before sitting up and stretching.

I open the door and get out, before stretching again and look around. We are out front of a huge cabin-like house. Surrounding us is trees on all sides except directly behind me. Behind me is a long dirt road.

"We were behind everyone, so they're all inside" Wade says from the back of the truck.

I walk back to help him with the bags

"Here, let me take something," I say.

"It's cool. I got it. You can go in."

"Let me take something in with me" I say "I'll send the guys to come help with the rest"

He nods and hands me one of my bags.

I walk to the door and open it. Once I walk in, I yell "hey, we're here"

Flash yells from the kitchen "We're in the kitchen."

I follow his voice and I end up in the kitchen.

"Wade wants you guys to go out and help with the bags" I say to Tod, Blake, Justin, and Flash. They nod and go out to get the bags.

"I thought your butler was coming down?" I ask

"I just said that because you if he wasn't you wouldn't have been able to come" she says

"Oh" I say, unsure of what to do. My gut is telling me to call Uncle Tony, while the rest of me wants to not tell him about it and enjoy my week. I go against my gut feeling and smile at the girls.

"So, where are we all sleeping?" I ask

"Well, there are only 5 bedrooms, so all except one person will be sharing" Nikki explains

"Who won't be sharing?"

"I will be getting my own room" Wade says, walking into the room. "Last time we came out you promised me that I could get my own room, but you forgot and gave it to Flash. So, I get my own room this time"

"Okay, so that's settled" Ashleigh says "Who's sharing with who?"

"I want to share with Todd!" Chelsea says immediately

"No" Ashleigh says


"Because then one of us has to share with Justin, Blake, or Flash" Ashleigh explains


"Shut up guys" Nikki says "I already have set roommates for everyone" she explains "it'll be me and Chelsea, Percy and Ash, Todd and Flash, and Justin and Blake"

"Awesome! Now which room do we get?" Ash asks

"The usual room you are in, Ash" she explains "Chelsea will be in my usual room, Wade is in my parents' room, Todd and Flash go to the room Flash usually takes, and the last room is for Blake and Justin."

"Okay" Wade says "your bags are all by the door"

"Where are the rest of the guys?" Chelsea asks

"I think they're in the living room watching TV or something"


We all go upstairs to whatever rooms we are staying in. There is a in our room, and she calls the bottom, so I'm on top.

There are also two dressers. Ash takes the one that she wants first, then I take the other one. I spend a few minutes putting my clothes and stuff away, then I go downstairs to a room with bookshelves lining each wall. There are four couches all around a circular table and in the other side of the room there is an interesting instrument.

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