chapter 17

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Tony pov-

I'm going to go kill Percy's step father. That man-.


That monster thought that he could get away with hurting my niece.

I walk toward the elevator

"Where are you going, Tony" clint asks


"Where" Bruce asks

"A place" I answer.

"Where" Natasha asks seriously

"To murder Percy's step dad" I mumble

"Can I come?" Clint asks

"Yes" He comes with me to the elevator. I push the button.

"Stop" Bruce says "We should call the cops. It's the smarter thing to do"

"Nope. I think I'd prefer to murder him" I say

"You could get into serious trouble for that. If we tell the cops there will be a trial and he will be put behind bars" Steve analyzes.

"I don't care" Tony says

"Look, he'll suffer more if he's in prison" Natasha says

"Fine, but I don't like it" I grumble

Posiedon stands, waking up Percy in the process because she was sleeping on him.

"I cannot get involved in mortal affairs, so I must take my leave" He disappears into ocean mist.

For a minute Percy just looks confused, then she stands up.

"Im going home. I am tired"

"No you're not" clint says

"I'm pretty sure I am tired, but nice try at convincing me otherwise." She sasses him

"No. He means that you're not going home" I say

"Well then where am I sleeping" she asks

"I'll take you to a guest room" I tell her

I put my hand on her back and guide her to the elevator.

Once we're on she stiffens

"What's wrong?"

"I'm not a huge fan of elevators" she says

"Oh, if you want to take the stairs we can"

"No. It's okay" she says

Once we get to the floor she'll be staying on I take her to her room.

"Im sorry you aren't on the same floor as everyone else, but there wasn't an extra room."

"It's okay" she says, laying down in the bed

"If you need anything just ask JARVIS or come and get me" I say before moving toward the door

"Uncle Tony?"

"Yeah" I smile because she called me Uncle Tony

"Don't get Gabe arrested." She says "if he gets arrested I'll be put in a foster home or something"

"I wouldn't let that happen" I tell her and I sit on the edge of her bed "I was actually thinking that maybe you could come live here. Like with me and the Avengers"

"I have a lot of problems you know" she says, looking down "it won't be easy. I constantly have monsters after me and I'm a mess mentally"

"I know," I tell her

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now