chapter 41

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Percy pov


I've started sleepwalking in the last few days and I wake up in the strangest places. Yesterday, I woke up on a park bench. I had to call Tony to come and get me.

Going to sleep has been harder too. I know that I'm going to have strange dreams, and I don't want to sleep. I don't get any rest while I sleep, so often times I wake up more exhausted than I was when I fell asleep. To put it simply, I hate sleeping.

In all of my wildest dreams, I couldn't have imagined myself walking into an apartment building. I mean, shouldn't have someone stopped me? This place looks like a crime scene and it smells like stale beer and terrible cologne. On the kitchen table, a game of poker is laid out and there's an ash tray sitting on it.

I stand up and notice some broken glass on the floor, it looks like a broken beer bottle, and some strange carpet stains that look like they could be blood... or maybe wine?

I move toward the bedrooms. The first is rather small and there are more of the stains in the carpet. Another thing I notice is the familiarity of this room.

I open one of the dresser drawers and see some random papers and stupid stuff inside. I flatten one of the crumpled papers and examine the writing. It's sloppy and scribbly, like mine. I pick up another one and do the same. This one looks like a class schedule. I skip over the top information and start looking at the classes. It's tough, but if I concentrate hard enough, the words won't move around as much. When I realize that it's identical to my schedule, I look at the name at the top.

Persephone A. Jackson

How is this mine? I'm so confused. How in the name of Hades did my schedule get into this gross apartment and why is it so familiar.

I grab the schedule and leave the room. I try to walk out of the apartment, but t he door is locked, from the inside. So, either I broke in here in my sleep, or I locked it coming in. Dam it! Neither one makes more sense.

I unlock it and walk out of the apartment. I take the stairs downstairs and see the front desk guy at the desk.

"What are you doing here, Jackson?" He asks me.

"Do you know me?"

"You lived here your whole life. I'd hope I know you." He says. "I didn't even see you come in. Did you take the fire escape? You know you're not supposed to do that unless you live here and you moved out."

"I don't know. I woke up in an apartment upstairs. I don't remember ever staying here. Refresh my memory." I say

"You lived here with your mom and step-dad, until she died. Recent news says that Gabe killed her. Is it true?"

"I don't know." I say "Who is this Gabe character?"

"Your step-dad."

"Where can I find him?" I ask


"Which one?"

After he tells me, I go back home. It's very dark out because it's like 5 am. I quickly run back to the tower.

Once I'm inside, I run up the stairs and get to my room. I lock my door and start writing down the address of the prison "Gabe" is in.

When I finish, I put it on my desk and lay on my bed to get a bit more sleep before school. This time when I wake up, I'm on the couch and Steve is waking me up.

"You have school soon, so you should get ready." He says

I yawn and nod before getting up and stretching. I walk up the stairs and attempt to open my bedroom door. The problem is that it's locked. I would have had to unlock it to walk out. What the Hades? I'll just have to video tape myself sleeping tonight. This is really getting out of hand.

I quickly walk back downstairs and to Peter's room. I knock.

"I need you to use your Spiderman abilities and go through my bedroom window to unlock my door." I yell through the door.

"Why?" His voice is slightly muddled through the door.

"I got locked out."


"I don't know." I say

He groans "Fine."

"Thanks, Pete!" I tell him "I'll meet you up there."


Before going upstairs, I go to the kitchen and grab a poptart. I run up the stairs and when I get to my room, Peter is opening the door.

"Thank you." I say. "Do you want the other poptart?"

"What kind is it?"

"Cookies and cream?" I reply

"Ew no. I like the cinnamon sugar." He says.

"Okay, well I have to get dressed in the next... ten minutes! Oh gods!" I do not have time to get ready.

"I'll see you later." He says before stepping closer the window.

"Why don't you use the door?"

"I'm already wearing the costume. I might as well go the quicker way." He grins at me before jumping out the window.


I hear him laugh as he reaches his room on the next floor.

I quickly get dressed in a random t-shirt and black jeans, before brushing my hair and pulling it up in a ponytail. I pull on my sneakers and look in the mirror. The outfit looks strangely familiar, especially the orange shirt with a pegusus on it. Whatever. I apply a small mount of makeup and grab my school bag

When I get down to the ground floor, Steve is already there, holding a brown paper bag.

"You packed me a lunch?" I ask.

"Well of course. I pack Peter one most days. I would pack yours too, but you never tell me what sandwiches you like. I made you ham and cheese. Have fun at school." He walks out the door and I'm left slightly surprised, but I just shake my head and text Wade.

'You're still driving me in, right?'

'I thought u said you could get a ride from your uncle.' He replies almost instantly.

'I didn't but I'll find a way 2 school. It's fine'

Steve is probably pretty far away by now, driving Peter to school. I decide I'll run to school. I haven't been running the last few days anyway.

About 3/4 of the way there, I see a man with one eye in the center of his head. I'm stopped at a crosswalk and look at him. The man snarls and I avert my eyes. He starts walking closer to me, shoving anyone in his way. Goosebumps appear on my skin and my hair stands on end.

I take off in another direction. I turn down alleys and streets until I'm lost and cornered by a fence. I start to climb it. The man's footsteps echo in the alley way as I struggle to climb the fence. I spare a glance back at him and sure enough, he has one eye. I stare at him as I continue climbing. Unfortunately, I'm not paying attention and there may or may not be barbed wire at the top. I accidentally grab it and slice my hand open. I fall off the fence and land on my back, really hard.

I groan and turn over to the the one eyed man approaching me. His single blue eye glared at me.

AN Happy Birthday to Bruce Springsteen...

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