chapter 19

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Percy pov-

Uncle Tony, Steve, Clint, and i are driving to the police station. Peter is at school, Natasha is busy, Bruce is working, Loki and Thor were in Asgard, and Wanda just didn't feel like coming.

When we get there, there isn't many people around.
We walk into the police station and stand at the front desk.

"What do you need?" The man asks

"I" I start but my voice stops working and I suddenly feel sick. I look at uncle Tony who is looking at me. He sees my struggle and speaks for me.

"We are here to report an abuse case"

"Okay, I'll get someone for you to talk to" he says

After a few minutes a cop walks into the room.

"Hello I'm am Officer George Stacy" the man says, leading us into a room with more cops and desks. We all sit down by his desk. "Tell me about the case you are reporting"

"Um..." I say as the Avengers that are present look at me " My step father has been abusing me for a while now"

"What's your name, kid?"

"Percy Jackson"

"How long has your step father been abusing you?"

"Ever since I found out he was hitting my mother" I say "that was like when I was 8."

"How old are you?" He asks

"17" I say

"Tell me about the abuse" He says "do you know why he started hitting you?"

"He started hitting me when I told him to hit me instead of my mother, but I'm pretty sure he still hit her" I tell him, holding back tears.

"Why would you do that?"

"Because she didn't deserve it" I say

"And you did?" He asks

"No, but if it were either of us I would rather it be me" I say

"Does he still hit you and your mother" He asks

"He still hits me. My mom isnt... he... well he kind" I stumble over my words, unable to put them together to tell him what I have to. I feel someone put their hand on my back, probably Uncle Tony.

"He killed her...when I was 10" I can feel the tears on my cheeks now.

"Can you tell me how, Percy?" He asks

"Yes" I choke out "Mom saw bruises...on my arms and asked if Gabe hit me. I didn't answer her. I should have said no, but I don't like lying to her. She yelled at Gabe and he yelled back. I was scared and I didn't do anythong. They stopped yelling and Gabe went to the kitchen. Mom came to me and told me to hide, so I went to the closet and hid. I left the door open a crack a little to see what was happening. I saw him stab her and then I went out to her. She was already dead, so after crying I grabbed the knife and tried to stab Gabe. He threatened me and told me to say it was people who broke in, then he knocked me out." I say, with my head down. "I was scared so I told the police what he told me to."

"Ok" He keeps scribbling stuff down on a notepad "How often does he just abuse you"

"Almost every day" I tell him

"How does he abuse you" He sees my confused expression and he elaborates "like physical or verbal"

"Physically, verbally, and mentally" I say

"Anything sexual?" He asks me

I shake my head

"How does he physically abuse you"

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now