chapter 23

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Tony pov-

"What?" the avengers ask

"Bruce is trying to figure out what happened in the lab." I say as I walk out of the kitchen, leaving them in shock.

I go to the living room and sit down to try and clear my mind. The Avengers follow me.

Loki speaks first. "Will someone show me to the lab. If it is not a medical problem, it might be a magical problem and I can help"

"JARVIS, show Loki to the lab" I say

"Yes sir"

Loki walks off, following the directions that my AI gives him.

I'm worried about her.

Loki pov-

I follow the robotic voice to the lab and find Bruce.

He is running tests and stuff.

"Hello" I say

"Hi" He says

"What have you found" I ask

"Nothing" He says frustratedly. "She's perfectly fine. All of my calculations say that she is just asleep"

"May I look" I ask

"Sure" He says before sinking into his chair and rubbing his eyes

I put my fingers on her temples and apply some pressure. Looking into her mind, I discover that she is not 'just asleep'. Her dream has many layers which means there is some magical force at play here.

I peer into the first layer and my subconscious is in a hallway. At each end there are doors and each door is concealing some kind of being.

One is supposedly human while the other is demonic. Percy had time only to save one of them. One voice us a small child while the other is a grown man.

Any normal person would help the child first, so I walk in the direction of the high pitched voice. I bump into something cold and instantly try to turn away.

Something grabs me and pulls me through the window. I start to fall, but before I reach the next level of the dream, I pull myself out.

Brush looks at me expectantly and I look back at him.

"I know what's wrong with her" I say and he uses the AI to get the others down here.

When they get here I launch into my explanation.

"There is nothing wrong with her scientifically. Bruce confirmed that before I came down here. I found that is under some form of magic, spell, curse, or charm."

"So we find her true love and he kisses her awake" Peter suggests

"No. Stupid child, leave the adults to talk. You're midgardian fairytales were wrong and did not include your facts."

They all look at me confused.

"The girl with the apple who was poisoned was not kissed awake. The price fell in love with her corpse and demanded that it be taken to his palace for his pleasure. On the ride, the wagon hit a bump and the apple was dislodged from her throat" I say

"What about Sleeping Beauty?" Wanda asks

"Aroura Rose was a beautiful girl who was fated to be put to an eternal sleep on her 16th birthday. As predicted, it happened when she pricked her finger on a sewing spindle. A young prince was passing through and discovered the kingdom. After finding the entirety of the palace asleep he found her. The prince thought that her sleeping form was beautiful, so he had his way with her and she became pregnant. After, giving birth to twins in her slumber, one of the twins sucked on her finger looking for milk. This action removed the spindle and woke up the sleeping teenager."

Sometimes They Win (Female Percy Jackson/ Avengers Crossover)Where stories live. Discover now