Chapter 1: Escape

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Person's POV  thoughts: Italic

My thoughts: Bold

Akira's POV

    I'm gonna lose consciousness soon! I ran as fast as my legs could take me. My sight started to get cloudy as the blood loss took its effect. I closed my eyes tight hoping I would have clear sight when they opened, but it was to no avail. I was too roughed up to be moving and God only knows how my legs are still carrying me.

    Tears started streaming down my bruised cheeks as I thought of how screwed up I was going to be if they caught up with me. No, I mustn't cry. I gulped down my sorrow, and wiped my fallen tears. I could tell that I was gonna get out of this forest soon, judging from the entrance I could see that was not too far away from me. Well, it was an entrance as far as I could tell, at least. I couldn't make much out of it thanks to my blurry sight, but I'm pretty confident my eyes are not deceiving me.

    Maybe it's a village? I could try and blend in with the crowd. However, I don't think I can stay conscious much longer. As I came closer and closer to what I thought was a village, with each passing second, I could feel the strength draining out of me. I couldn't run anymore and started limping to the gates, realizing that my legs allowed me to run so far only out of sheer will and fear. With my injured leg and bloody stomach, I wondered how I still managed to stay awake.

    "Who are you? Um.. are you alright?" A voice asked, but I was too weak to answer, and kept dragging my feet forward with lidded eyes. And as soon as I entered, I blacked out.

Kotetsu's POV

    I yawned and closed my eyes, leaning my back against the wall. "Kotetsu! Look!" Izumo shouted, making me snap my eyes open. I looked to where he was pointing at and saw a little girl limping towards the village. She was all bruised up, covered in blood and dirt. "Who are you? Um.. are you alright?" I asked in worry and hesitation. 

    She didn't answer us, so I started walking towards her, but then she suddenly collapsed. I ran quickly and caught her before she hit the ground. Izumo rushed to her side as well, and took a hold of her wrist to check her pulse.

    "She's alive, but barely. It looks like she's been through a lot," Izumo said with a frown. Thank God, she was still alive. I don't want a little girl to just die in my arms. "I'll take her to the hospital. You inform Lord Hokage about this," I told him. "Hai(Yes)," he said before he disappeared.

Akira's POV

    Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

    All I could hear was the annoying beeping sound as I awoke. My head buzzed and my body was sore, but other than that, I felt much better than before. My eyes struggled to open, and fluttered against the rays of sun that hit me. I slowly sat up from my bed, and as my head cleared... Why am I on a bed?

     I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in a plain white room that- aside from the small vase on the table- had no decoration at all. I noticed that a heart monitor was attached to me, and in a swift motion, removed it. The sound wasn't very pleasant, so you can't blame me. There's no need for it anyway. There were more supplies that I didn't know of, and a tube filled with a red liquid substance attached to me. It led to a nearly empty, huge packet of blood that hung from a movable table. From what I could tell, the blood is being transferred to me and is the reason I'm still alive right now. However, I feel fine right now, so there's no more need for it.  I'm in a hospital? Wait, wait, wait. I was running away from them. I remember I saw some sort of village, and then.. I blacked out.

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