Chapter 13: The Written Exam

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>>Pic of Daiki (except Suna symbol on the headband, not Konoha)<<

Sukai's thoughts: Bold and Italic

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

My thoughts: Bold

Akira's POV

     "Hey, you with the attitude. Hold on," Lee stopped us. "What do you want?" Sasuke asked annoyed. "I want to fight. Right here and right now," Lee challenged with a determined face. He talked about how everyone was always talking about how strong the Uchiha clan is, and that he wanted to test it himself. "Sasuke Uchiha. I challenge you," Lee said with unwavering passion.

     "You know of the Uchiha clan yet you're challenging me? You must be even more psycho than you look, if that's even possible. You wanna know more about my clan? Then I'll teach you, the hard way," Sasuke said with a smirk. "Bring it on," Lee smiled/smirked as he got into a stance. "Hold on!" Naruto chimed in, "I'm gonna take this weirdo on first. Don't worry, It'll only take me two minutes to have him begging me for mercy." He then charged at Lee, and tried to punch him. But in just a split second, Lee hit Naruto's arm, causing his punch to go off course.

    But Naru didn't let it end there. He stopped himself from hitting the ground with one arm, then used the same arm to twist himself and kick Lee. But once again, Lee was too fast for him. He blocked the kick and with speed, tripped Naru with his leg, kicking him in the process. Naruto went spiraling towards the wall, but I caught him before he hit it and grunted at Naruto, "That's enough." Lee is strong. He'll be a challenge in the chunin exams.

     I took Naruto over to the other side again, and let him lean against one of the pillars that were there behind Sasuke and Sakura. I then went to stand by them as Lee then turned to Sasuke again, "Just accept it. You don't have a chance against me. You see Sasuke, out of all the top leaf genin, I am the best. Fight me and I will prove it to you."

     Sasuke smirked, "This'll be fun. Let's do it." "But we have to register before 3, and we only have half an hour before then," Sakura reasoned. "Don't worry, this'll be over in 5 seconds," He got ready to go, but I immediately stopped him with an arm out in front of him. "What is it?" Sasuke asked, eyes narrowing at me.

     "I don't think it's a good idea to get hurt right before the chunin exams. Plus, it's best if we keep our abilities a secret. And one more thing," I paused debating if I should say it, but then continued, knowing Sasuke needs to hear it, "5 seconds? Puh-lease. Even I acknowledge this guy's strength. Being arrogant like that will only result in your downfall, Sasuke. Even if you can beat him, I'd rather you not. Can't you guys show each other what you're made of during the chunin exams? Sakura's right about the time. This won't take just 5 seconds." Sasuke glared at me, but I only glared back. "Out of my way," Sasuke demanded. I rolled my eyes, but removed my hand and stepped back. Jeez, Sasuke's arrogance will be the death of him.

     Sasuke charged at Lee, but the boy disappeared and reappeared behind Sasuke, a bit too fast for his eyes to register. Sasuke was sent flying with the chakra enforced kick Lee gave. I carefully observed Lee. I guess this fight will be useful after all, whether Sasuke wins or not. Sasuke's not the only one revealing his abilities after all. This is my moment to get information on the so-called best genin in Konoha. He got up and activated his sharingan, charging at Lee who was ready to take it on. Lee kicked Sasuke on the jaw, causing Sasuke to be thrown back.

     I see...this guy's technique. It's taijutsu. And he's very experienced with it. This is interesting. I felt a smirk on my face when Lee started beating the crap outta Sasuke. Hmph. With all that arrogance of his, he definitely deserves that. Lee kicked Sasuke's jaw again, but this time , when Sasuke was still in the air he went up behind him. His bandages started unreeling themselves on his hand, but before it could any further, a pink flower-like object pinned his bandages to the wall.

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