Chapter 7: Dead or Alive?

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Akira's POV

     Here he is, about to die, and what does he do? He starts chuckling! Who laughs when their about to die?! Oh yeah, weirdos do. Of course, how could I forget? "Finished? You really don't get it do you? I'll never get defeated by a copy-cat ninja like you. You are full of surprises though. You already copied my water clone jutsu when you made your little speech. You made your clone say that, while you hid in the mist," Zabuza said. What speech? Oh! That Kakashi would protect us.

     "Nice try.. but I'm not that easy to fool," Zabuza said as the real Zabuza came behind Kakashi, and the clone disappeared. Before Zabuza could cut Kakashi, I blocked his sword. But then another Zabuza clone was coming my way, so I had to back away. Zabuza kicked Kakashi really hard, that he flew into the water. "Kakashi-sensei!" I shouted in worry.

     I tried to reach him, but Zabuza kicked me in the water too. When I swam back up to the surface, I saw that Kakashi was in a water prison. I jumped out of the water and put chakra to my feet so I could stand on water. But I couldn't help Kakashi. Zabuza's clones were surrounding me. 10 of them. Zabuza was talking about how wearing a headband doesn't make us ninja. Going through life and death situations many times and becoming deadly makes you a ninja. 

     I wasn't really focusing on what he was saying 'cause I was trying to make a plan on how to save Kakashi. "Naruto!" I heard Sakura call. What happened to him? Is he hurt? But before I could think about it, Zabuza's clones came at me one by one. I kicked one to another. 8. Threw shurikens at three. 5. "Listen! Get Tazuna and run! You can't win this fight. He's using all his power to keep me in this prison. So he can only fight you with his water clones. But the clone can't go far from his real body. If you get away from him, he can't follow. Now run!" I heard Kakashi say, his voice slightly muffled due to the water prison he was in.

     What the heck is he saying?! Like we're gonna actually leave him here and run. I'm not about to let someone I care about die ever again! There's no way! Running away is not an option! That became unthinkable the moment you got caught, Kakashi. The five clones came at me at the same time, so I plunged my kunai on the ground and did a handstand on it, while spinning. I also put my legs to the side (sort of like helicopters blades :D), and spun around to hit the clones. One didn't get hit, so I threw shurikens at the clone, but he deflected it with his swords.

     From the corner of my eye, I could see Sasuke running towards another clone of his. He threw shuriken after shuriken, but the clone kept deflecting it with his sword. These two clones are gonna be hard to beat. I can feel it. Okay... let's get this party started. "Water Style: Water Whip Jutsu!" I shouted as I made a water whip and and whipped it at the clone in front of me as it ran. He blocked my whip with his sword, and continued charging towards me.

     I took two kunai out, one in each hand, and blocked his swords from cutting me. We just did taijutsu with weapons for a while. I noticed that Sasu and Naru made Zabuza let go of the water prison. Kakashi was now blocking Zabuza's sword from hitting Naru. He was giving Zabuza a deathly glare. I got a cut on my cheek as I was distracted for a moment. A few more bruises here and there but not too bad. "You can't hope to defeat me if you keep getting distracted. Hahahaha! What am I saying? You can't hope to defeat me anyways!" the clone I was fighting snickered.

     I got annoyed at his cockiness - "Tch!" I jumped back to have more distance between Zabuza's clone and I, and shouted, "Water Style: Water Bullet Jutsu!" and a powerful torrent went towards Zabuza's clone. After a failed attempt to block it, he got thrown into a tree and dispelled. My chakra level is low after using those two jutsus, so thank God he's gone. That's when I noticed two gigantic water dragons with yellow eyes. Kakashi was copying everything Zabuza did! Including jutsus!

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