Chapter 2: Good Ol' Days

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^^Pic of Akira^^ (drawn by me :))

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

My thoughts: Bold

Kakashi's POV

    There was an odd silence between us for awhile before Lord Hokage finally decided to speak. "Very well. You are welcomed to stay here under the village's safety and attend the academy. The genin test is in about two months. I'm sure after training under Kakashi's wing, you will be able to pass the test."

    I sweatdropped as the uninformed responsibility was given to me. Give me a break..

    Akira raised her hand timidly to ask a question. Lord Hokage motioned for her to speak and she obliged, and asked with her slight accent. "What is the academy? Is it another name for school?" The hokage shook his head, "It's a school, yes. But it's a school to guide the young children to take their first steps in becoming ninjas."

    The girl's eyes widened drastically, "I'm going to become a ninja..?" "I apologize, I didn't consider asking you if you wanted to be one," Lord Hokage sighed. The girl shook her head, "No, it's quite alright. You need not apologize. I wasn't disagreeing with your opinion, it just surprised me is all. I've never quite.. seen what ninjas do, and have only ever heard about them. You people are respected by many, including me, so It will be interesting being one. I look forward to it," she politely said, and only now did I recognize the respect she had in her voice if she wasn't scared.

    "That's pleasing to hear. You'll be living with Kakashi for the time being if that's alright with you, and will be Akira Hatake. If you need to talk to me about something, you're welcomed to do so at any time. I hope you'll be able to trust us with your last name soon. Any objections?" Lord Hokage ended as he gave her a gentle smile.

    She stood back up to leave and replied, "No objections. Thank you, Hokage-sama. I haven't felt this kindness by many lately. I greatly appreciate it." "No problem at all, dear. Kakashi, I leave her in your care," Lord Hokage nodded at me. "Hai," I replied, trying to hide the slight discomfort I felt in having to care of a child--something I'm not completely prepared for. Akira looked around the room, but her eyes landed on one particular picture, and and kept them on it for a while. I became curious as to why she was staring at his picture, but then decided it would be best not to confront her about it right now.

    "Kakashi. You will be training me then?" she suddenly asked when we walked out the door. "Yes. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to ask," I told her. She nodded before going straight for the questions, "Why is my last name Hatake?" "Because it's my last name, and since you're living with me, it'd be best," I answered as I pulled out my book. Why did I get involved with this? Oh well, at least she's not annoying. I hope with all my heart.

    I bought some clothes and weapons for her, before going home. When we got in my house, I led her to an unused room. "Get a good night's rest, because tomorrow's training is going to be tough. So get ready for it," I warned her. "Hai. May I use the shower please?" she asked before I left. "Yeah. You can do whatever you want, because you now live here. Just don't come in my room and give me my privacy," I told her with a shrug. "Understandable. Thank you for having me, Kakashi. I'll be in your care," she slightly bowed before walking away.

~Time Skip~

Akira's POV

    It's been exactly a month and three weeks since I started living here in Konoha. It's not a bad place at all. In fact, almost too peaceful. Kakashi-sensei has taught me a lot! I know how to throw shurikens right on target, and even to make shadow clones. I've read, like, thousands of books up until now, and have learnt numerous things (Including jutsu). I've always been a fan of books! I decided to shake off my terrible past, and live a normal life as a ninja. But that didn't mean I forgot about my family.

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