Chapter 11: Is This It? Naw, Maybe Not Now

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>>Vid: Naruto Shippuden op 16<<

Sukai: Italic  and bold

Akira's thoughts: Italic

My thoughts: Bold with brackets

Akira's POV

     "Go on. Finish it, kill me," Haku insisted when we stopped. "Why do you hesitate?" he asked. I couldn't take it anymore. My body could only move like that because of Sukai, but now that I'm in control again, I don't think my body can last much longer. I didn't hear what Haku was saying because I was concentrating on healing my wounds, and keeping myself awake.

     I realized Naruto was charging at Haku now with a kunai in hand. "Naruto..?" I asked with my eyes wide. Is Naruto really going to kill him? Maybe I should have listened 'cause I have no idea what's going on. Haku's smiling so it seems like he wants to die...

     Suddenly, he realized something, as did I. He caught Naruto's wrist, and moved it away. "Huh?" Naruto asked confused as he struggled for dominance over his right hand. "Sorry, Naruto. Change of plans," he said as he made a series of one-handed signs. I realized what he was doing as I looked around, and immediately made my move. I ran as fast as possible to Kakashi, and arrived just as Kakashi plunged his chidori-fused hand through Haku's chest.

     Blood splattered everywhere. Everyone utterly confused and shocked, as I stood right beside Kakashi. I was too late. I couldn't protect Haku...I couldn't save someone again. Haku coughed up a huge amount of blood, as he held Kakashi's hand firmly. "So, my future is all used up, huh?" Zabuza chuckled, "Wrong again, Kakashi."

     I wanted to slap him so bad. Does he not care that Haku just saved his life?! My body wouldn't respond though. I've used up all my strength. "Wha-? I don't get it. What the heck's going on here?" Naruto asked as soon as the fog lifted, realizing where Haku and I went.

     "The boy threw himself in front of my attack. He saved your worthless life at the cost of his own," Kakashi stated, directing his comment to Zabuza. But he just chuckled. Heartless much?! "Well done, Haku. I knew I found a treasure when I found you, boy. You've not only given my life, but Kakashi's as well!" he said as he made his move to cut right through Haku along with Kakashi. This is bad, I can't move because of my wounds!

     "Kakashi-sensei! Akira! Watch out!" Sakura called out as I started collapsing. Kakashi quickly took Haku and I somehow, and ninja jumped away. "Hehehe. Not bad for having a corpse in your arms. And that girl," Zabuza chuckled. This guy!

     Kakashi lent me against the fence along with Haku. "You'll pay for that!" Naruto shouted. "No. Stay out of this, Naruto," Kakashi said with a firm voice, leaving Naruto no place to make excuses.  Kakashi then closed Haku's eyes.

     "This is my battle. Zabuza's mine," Kakashi said with venom in his voice. I closed my eyes at the frustration I was feeling. I had barely any chakra left. In fact, just enough to keep me awake. I can't do anything right now. Even in a situation like this, I can't help. I'm so useless...

     "Naruto?" Sakura asked from somewhere far. When Naruto didn't respond, she called out louder. "Naruto! Over here! Naruto!" Sakura shouted. Naruto sighed with droopy eyes. "So you and Sasuke are alright?" she asked, her eyes filled with hope.

     At that, I snapped my eyes open. I was able to slightly move now with the rest I took, so I stood up slowly, and walked over to where I thought Sasuke was. "Akira, are you sure you want to move in that condition?" Kakashi asked. "I..I need to get to Sasuke," I said in a quite voice. Tears threatening to spill out.

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