Chapter 19: The Final Rounds

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>>Pic of Saku & Aki (Expressions need to be switched lol)<<  

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>>Pic of Saku & Aki (Expressions need to be switched lol)<<  

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Bold and Italics

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV

     I sighed in content as I sunk in the hot water. I was back in Konoha and nothing was better than a nice hot bath for a welcome. It was a loooong month of training. I never came in contact with any Akatsuki since then, and I can only wonder what they're up to. It's not a very famous group, but they have S-Rank criminals in there who help nations for money. Who knows what their goal is...

     I realized that I had a frown on my scrunched up face. I let a sigh out of tiredness. Don't want wrinkles now, do I? I relaxed in the public bath, being far away from the other people as much as I could. I'd rather just relax than have a conversation.

     "Akira!" I jumped at my name being called, and reached for my pouch in the towel - Yes, I still have it. Why? Because you never know when you'll be attacked. Being prepared is my number one priority no matter where I am. Even in the baths.

     I retreated my hand when I realized it was only Sakura waving frantically at me with a grin, a wide smile itching on. Who knew I would miss this little squeaky konoichi. "Sakura!" I acknowledged.  "You're back, huh? How was training?" she smiled and sat next to me in the warm water. I nodded and answered, "Hard. But fun. And I learnt plenty of things to beat the crap outta that flirt!" I smirked evilly and cracked my knuckles.

     "Eh? You know your opponent? I didn't really recognize the name. Dai..Daichi?" She asked. "Yeah. I met him at the written exams. ..He's gonna be a tough opponent," my eyes fell as I remembered he saw some of my memories. I snapped out of it when Sakura took both my hands in hers and smiled. "He's definitely someone you can defeat!" My eyes went wide for a second before a chuckle came out of my lips. "Yeah, definitely. Thanks, Sakura," I nodded. She sat back on her usual place looked up in thought, "So tomorrow, huh?" I narrowed my eyes in determination, "Yeah."


     I went to bed early, but I couldn't seem to fall asleep. My nerves were killing me! It was already 12 am!

     Calm down, kid. Who do you think trained you? Your strong. And don't you doubt your strength.

     I sat up on the bed and talked out loud. "I'm not," I sighed, "It's just... He has the ability to see my past. I have to make sure he doesn't touch me..."

     You'll be fine. You can kill him too, so him knowing anything wouldn't be much of a problem.

     "I'm not killing him! That's just..never again. Never again will I kill someone..."

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