Chapter 40: Final Battle

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>>Pic of Tetsuo<<

Akira's POV

      I take a deep breath before stepping up to the large gates, the ten ninja behind me having disabled the cannons in case they choose to use them. From the corner of my eyes, I glimpse at them rotating towards us and I glare at the gate as if that would make them open already. A rumbling sound is heard as the gates finally lift up to let us through. Except, what's waiting for us on the other side is definitely not to welcome us with open arms. Of course, we knew that—given we have a ninja from the Hyuga clan and all, you know. I make a mental note to squeeze the living daylights out of sweet Hinata later. People don't appreciate her enough.

     I press my lips in a firm line to make myself look angry, but really it was just to hide my smirk. I do, however, send a very real glare towards Adamson. He ashamedly tears his eyes away from mine and I scoff, moving my eyes to their leader; the one and only admiral that visited us a week ago—the man who killed my brother—Hajime Shin. He walks towards us, separating from the large group of government soldiers behind them, two captains following close behind him. I take a step forward, willing to meet him halfway when my gaze flickers to the two of the four former anbu members who took a step with me. I motion for them to stand down, reassuring all of them as much as my eyes can convey. No doubt I can handle the three of them for a while if they so choose to attack. God knows how much I'm looking forward to beating the shit out of the admiral. I may have been putting my own personal feelings at bay for now, but sooner or later that anger and resentment towards him is going to bubble out of me.

     "Do you think of us as fools?" is the first thing that leaves Shin's mouth, "We know you've brought a hundred or so soldiers of your kingdom with you. I'm sure half of them are civilians anyway. Even a hundred soldiers is too much man power for your kingdom to have survived." I snort in reply, ignoring the supposedly offending comment. If that's the most they can say to offend me, they've got another thing coming, "Then I guess you have your answer to whether or not we come in peace."

     He draws out his sword and my hand snaps to the kunai in my pouch. I swing it just in time for his sword to clash against it. Shin shakes his head in amusement, "So you've learned how to handle a dagger. You think that will help you against our army?" I smirk, "Well, yeah. That and everything else I've learned." I quickly make the only one handed and wind style jutsu I can do as the two captains make a move towards me, a strong whirl of wind sending all three men crashing back to their army. Shin is quick to get back on his feet and sends me a glare before turning to his army and letting out a battle cry as a sign for them to move.

     This may be my only chance to drop the weight of my family's death that has been crushing me for years. This is the battle in which I can finally be free. This is the battle that will really end the past and help us achieve a true new beginning.

     Ladies and gentlemen, the battle begins.

---One Week Ago---

     "People of Kurisutaru. I did not mean to leave you all in the dark for this long. Eventually, I was going to tell all of you, I promise. You deserve to know why the government burned down this kingdom. What my parents sacrificed everything for," my voice was loud, a bit magnified with the help of Sukai. "I have what is called a celestial beast sealed within me. Her name is Sukai, and she has saved my life, time and time again. She has proved that her title as 'monster' is not true at all. My parents did not fail you. And I will not fail you again. So trust me when I say that Sukai is not the one we need to worry about; she is not the monster you are looking for," I look at the admiral with loath, "They are."

     The admiral shook his head and chuckled, then bent over and laughed loudly. "Sure. Think of us as monsters. You think we care?" he smirked as soldiers came out of nowhere and stood behind him. My eyes zeroed in on a specific person who was wearing the navy uniform, "Adamson..?" His eyes met mine and I could practically read the guilt in them. I let out a sound of disbelief and looked at him in accusation when I realized what he did, "I virtually poured out my heart and soul to you, and you went and told the government our whole conversation, didn't you? That's how they pieced this all together... No wonder Kyle didn't know your name as a night guard. You lied to me."

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