Christmas Special - Kiss Me Under the Mistletoe

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>>Vid: Mistletoe - Justin Bieber<<

(Warning: I think I made Sasuke too OOC)

A/N: This chapter is not connected to any other chapters, k? So I might've brought some characters to life. XD

Third Person POV

     "Good morning, beautiful," a sweet voice was heard when Akira's eyes squinted open. Her scarlet eyes fluttered at the bright rays of sunlight that seeped through the windows. She stared up at the boy sitting up on her bed with his back against the headboard, smirking like he was waiting expectantly for something. He had navy blue - she'd almost say black - hair and onyx eyes that stared amusingly at her.

      Wait.. why is this person on my bed?

     "AHHHH! GET OFFF! WHAT ARE YOU DOING ON MY BED?! DID YOU SLEEP WITH ME?!?! I SWEAR IF I FIND MYSELF PREGNANT I'M GOING TO KILL YOU WITHOUT HESITATION!!!" she screamed half her life out as she fell off the bed. The boy, who her brain finally recognized to be Sasuke, just sat there in shock for a moment, before bursting out in laughter.

     "Holy.. no, you did not just say that. You think that actually happened? Oh God, that's too funny. Akira, you're amazing! You know I would never do that without your permission!" he choked out from between his laughs. The Chevelzo grunted in annoyance and stood up, rubbing her stinging but, "Jeez, must you prank me this early in the morning?"

     Sasuke chuckled and helped Akira up, pulling her tiny body into a hug in the process, "It's 2 pm for your information. You slept in big time." Akira's mouth made an 'O' shape when she realized that made sense. She was up till 3 am, wrapping up all the Christmas presents that she had bought for everyone. She knew that she wouldn't have time to pack them up today, so she did it all last night.

     "Wait, why are you here? How did you even enter???" She slightly pulled away in question. He smirked, "You're too predictable. Everyone puts their keys under their mat or flower pot, that's why you wouldn't do that. So you put your key inside the flower pot, under all that mud."

     She threw her head back in annoyance, "Ughh. You mean my spare key? It's fine, only insane people will actually do that to find it. It's only predictable to you because you know me well." Akira shook her head as she walked towards the bathroom. "Okay. But what if one day, I decide to steal stuff from you. You wouldn't know who stole it. That would be your downfall for putting so much trust in people who know you well, right?"

     Her head peeked out from behind the bathroom door, and her eyes squinted into a glare, "Don't make me have trust issues! Plus, I'll probably guess it's you anyway. Naruto's too dumb to figure that out. Sakura's too Mrs. Perfect to dig up the mud. And Kakashi would be too lazy to even try and steal something from me."

     She stood up straight and started washing her face as Sasuke's rare laugh reached her ears. "Well, anyway, do you know what today is?" the Uchiha asked as she came out of the washroom. Akira raised an eyebrow in confusion, "Um..a fun Sunday?" Sasuke shook his head in amusement, "The date."

     "Uh.." She tilted her head in thought before her eyes lit up in realization, "It's Christmas Eve! It's the 24th!" Akira jumped at Sasuke to give him an excited hug, before rushing around her apartment to get ready. She hurriedly put on her grey crop sweater and dark blue jeans before combing her long silver hair, deciding to leave it out for the day. 

     "Hn. Today is our date. Let's hope Itachi and Eric leave us alone," Sasuke sighed as they walked out the apartment hand-in-hand. "Mhm," the silver haired girl agreed with an amused smile. Itachi and Eric haven't ceased to spy on them every time they go on a date. Akira and Sasuke have always found them out, and haven't even had their first kiss yet because they basically feel eyes staring daggers at them. And of course, that ruins the moment. They've dated for five months already, but their very annoying siblings have prevented them from being anything close to intimate. That's why Sasuke and Akira often tease them of being gay for each other when they come to romantic spots to find their little siblings.

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