Chapter 36: The State

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Third Person POV

     It didn't take more than a second for Akira to throw her arms around Kyle. She didn't care if this was a dream or if her mind was playing games with her. Akira just wanted to live in the moment. Kyle chuckled and returned the hug with a huge grin on his face. After a moment, they pulled back to observe each other with bright faces.

     Akira didn't know what to do - one side of her was so confused about how Kyle was still alive when she remembered clearly, how he had died in that explosion. She was skeptical about this, and she couldn't ignore the possibility of impersonation. But the other side of her couldn't be bothered about why he was here; all that mattered was that he was alive.

     But she knew she had to figure it out soon. Akira sighed and grudgingly took a step back. Her eyes narrowed towards the green eyed boy as reality slowly came back to her. That's right, this probably isn't actually Kyle. There's no way he's still alive. What was she thinking? Just throwing her arms around a random stranger who was impersonating Kyle. Or, falling for a genjutsu again.

     "If this is one of Itachi's tricks again, I'm gonna murder him," Akira muttered angrily as she put her hands together to form the ram hand sign, "Release!" She tightly shut her eyes in fear of what she would see but slowly peeled them open.

     Her mouth fell open when she saw Kyle blinking at her in confusion. It wasn't a genjutsu or a transformation jutsu, so how is this possible? "Um, Aki?" Kotetsu asked, and I faced him in question, "Yea?" Izumo sighed, "I don't know what you're thinking but this guy right here is as real as your foot. So.. no need to do a release."

     Kyle shook his head in realization. That's right, Akira wouldn't believe it was actually him that easily. He got down on one knee and lowered his head, "Princess Akira, I know this is confusing right now, but I survived. We have to get going now, but I promise I'll explain everything on the way."

     He got up to step closer to me and lowered his voice so Izumo and Kotetsu wouldn't hear, "And I promise it's me, Kyle Suzuki. Only I know of the time you snuck out during your 9th birthday ball to visit your secret hideout with me. Which by the way, is the most prettiest place with all the glowing stones, and beautiful stream, and various flowers. Only I know of your pet cat that wasn't allowed in the castle. I promised you that I wouldn't tell a soul about it. I really would continue to spill all your secrets, princess, but I'm afraid we can't stay here for much longer."

     Akira stared at him for a moment. He was right. Those were things that only Kyle and herself knew. She hadn't even dared to write about it in her journal, afraid that other people would find out if they ever got their hands on it. Trust me, the cat and my secret place was that precious to me. This person could only be Kyle if he knew about that. She gulped, "Gimme a minute." She really didn't know what to do.

     Kyle had grown significantly - his former short frame now replaced with a towering height over Akira. She noticed that his hair was a bit shorter than the last time she had seen it, but it was still long and came over his face like bangs. Akira almost laughed when she saw that he still had those leather finger-less gloves that she had bought him on his birthday a few years ago. She had to admit that it was a bit big on him back then, but now, it was perfect. He wore a white shirt with the two top buttons off with a semi-formal black sweater over it. He looked well prepared to fight, as usual, with his sword held in his belt and black combat boots on his feet. He definitely changed, but so did Akira.

   Akira eyed Kyle's mischievous green eyes that looked down at her. She had forgotten how unique his eyes were. She could swear that no one had the same shade of green. His eyes seemed like it had a tinge of brown and blue too, but you couldn't really see it unless you closely observed.

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