Chapter 18: The Celestial Beasts

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(Pics don't belong to me, but I did edit them...a lot)

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Bold and Italics

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Lmao I mixed some One Piece and Fairy Tail in this book..

Akira's POV

     I fluttered my eyes open to the blinding light the sun gave off. I immediately scanned the small room I was in and the scenery outside.

     Okay, let's see. I'm in a hospital but not in Konoha. *Sigh* I must've collapsed from exhaustion and Itachi-kun's jutsu.

"Goodbye, Princess Akira... As a member of the Akatsuki, I can't promise your safety the next time we meet. You are a prey to the Akatsuki."

     Akatsuki, huh?

     I just sat in contemplation for awhile before an urgent thought struck me, causing me to spring out of the bed and change my clothes in a hurry.

     The chunin exams! How long have I been out for?! I hope I'm not too late!

     I slammed the door open to meet with a frightened nurse. "Oh my, you scared me, child," she said, putting her free hand to her chest, her other hand holding a clipboard. "Miss, you should stay for a check up and wait till the doctor permits you to leave. Your situation wasn't so great..."

     "Nuh-uh! I don't have the leisure to waste time anymore! How long has it been since I've been here?! How did I even get here?! And where on earth is here?!" I exclaimed, panic written all over my face. "' to...calm down..." the nurse managed to say while I shook her. "Ah, sorry about that," I scratched my head in slight embarrassment, "but will you answer my questions?"

     "Of course. This is a small town called Yukan. It's been about a week since you got here. About how you got here... well, one of our staff saw you lying in the lobby. She tried to wake you up, but we soon realized you were unconscious. Where did you come from and how'd you end up unconscious?" she asked.

     I just gave her a stare, contemplating if I should tell her. "I was practicing for the chunin exams," I half lied. But this surprised the women. "Isn't that in Konohagakure? What are you doing all the way out here?! It takes two days to go there from here..."

     "Eh...? Is it possible that I'm no longer in the land of fire..?" I ask in hope for her no say that I'm still in the Land of Fire. "That's right. You are currently in the Land of Rivers, between the Land of Fire and the Land of Wind. Fortunately, closer to the Land of Fire. And- Miss, are you alright???"

     Presently, I'm on the ground with my soul leaving from my mouth. It must have taken at least a day to bring here from the borders of the land of Fire... That means I only have two weeks to train..Damn Itachi-kun for taking me this far...But! I gotta do what I can with the time that I have! That means, not a second wasted!

     I sprung back to life in determination. "Ah, Miss, your back," the nurse said with a sweat drop at my mood swings. I swear I'm not on my period...


     I sat on the comfy sofa and closed my eyes in concentration to get to that place in my mind. When I opened my eyes, a smile graced itself on my face to see my glorious white wolf. She was sitting in a peaceful position. I frowned when I saw the bars she was behind, and walked up to her. I petted her soft nose before getting through the bars. 

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