Chapter 33: The Attack

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Hey guys! Before you continue reading, I'd like to say that I know that there are some loopholes in this book and I'm working to fix them. I'll try my best to improve this book. It's gonna be under editing I guess, but I'm trying to still update (bc Ik it sucks when authors stop updating for smth).

I acc already have a couple of chapters that I wrote a long time ago about Akira's past that will be ready to post after a bit of editing ;) Enjoy.

Akira's POV

     "AKIRA!" I jumped at the loud voice of my brother, "Get out here right now! I don't have time to deal with this!" I stomped my foot angrily at the fact that Kyle brought my brother into this. You see, I refused to attend Kurisutaru's Royal Chevelzian School (KRCS) today. The reason was plain simple - I was presenting a speech about ideas on what our school could do to make our kingdom better. 

     Believe me, I was thrilled when I got this project. I worked hard on it because even though Kurisutaru was a great country, that didn't mean it didn't have any faults. I wanted to prove that I deserved the title of being a princess of this kingdom. And I was excited to show my class what I had and then if the teacher approved, it would be shown to the whole school. But.. now I wasn't so sure. The nerves were eating me alive and I was too scared to even step out of my room.

     You must be wondering what they were expecting when they gave me a speech to do. I mean, I'm only 10 (my birthday was a week ago!!) and I can't be expected to form a whole speech about this. But really, I have to admit that it's my fault. I was getting tired of going to my most hated Japanese classes, where they would teach us how to write speeches. So I told my parents that I knew how to write and present a speech and I didn't need those classes. I don't know why \I did that and I regret it now, because it ended up in an argument between my parents and I when they disagreed with me. They proposed a challenge, and that is this speech that I was currently dreading to present.

     I hadn't even let Kyle in my room since the time he accompanied me to my room after breakfast. It was a daily routine for him to wake me up at six am, then wait an hour outside my room or 'chamber' as my parents always called it. Then, he accompany me to the dining hall where my family would gather for breakfast. I would have an hour or so to eat before he would come to get me. Of course, no one actually took an hour to eat, but after we finished our meals, we always have time to catch up with each other and talk. Meal times are the only times we can actually talk for so long since my parents are always busy with work and my brother has his own classes to worry about. Kyle would then escort me to the carriage that would take ten minutes to get to my school.

     Today, however, I requested to go to my room after I finished my breakfast because I 'left something'. Kyle just shrugged and agreed, not questioning it at all. When I got to my room, I locked my door, finally getting a suspicious question from Kyle. I told him to not worry about it, but I just snuggled into my large duvet. Kyle had actually waited awhile, giving me as much time as I needed before he said we were getting late. That's when I told him my worries. He had tried to help me get over it but ended up laughing at how right my parents were. I should never had picked a fight with them on something I should've known I couldn't win. He was being really annoying so I 'ordered' him to leave me alone.

     What I didn't expect, was for him to actually listen to my 'order'. While I am a princess, Kyle - my personal guard - doesn't need to listen to my every order because he knows best on what to do in order to keep me safe. Plus, he really is more like my brother and my parents treat him like family. I soon realized that he left only to get my brother who, might I add, is being an absolute pain right now.

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