Chapter 24: The Fallen Shinobi

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>>Lord Third's Funeral Pic<<

>>Akira's Funeral Outfit(cause why not)<<

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>>Akira's Funeral Outfit(cause why not)<<

Akira's POV *Play Video*

     "Akira.." Naruto said solemnly. "Naruto," I acknowledged before looking at the other two he met along the way, "Sakura, Sasuke. I'm glad you guys are okay," I said with a sad smile on my face. They were all in black, ready for the ceremony. They merely glanced at Tiger before continuing to walk to the cemetery, probably assuming that he's one of the villagers I'm friends with. They were too sorrowful to mind him at the moment. I followed them sadly, not caring that it was starting to rain.

     I stood beside Sasuke as Tiger followed me. I didn't know if he'd feel sad but I was thankful to have him beside me. He made me feel comfortable. "We are gathered here to remember and honor not only the third hokage, but all those who sacrificed themselves in this battle so that our village would survive," the village elder lamented. One by one, we went up to place a flower on his grave. I stayed a for a little more than a second to admire him for everything he's done, not letting myself shed tears for it is a shinobi rule.

     I don't understand why someone so kind and good have to die. So many people cared about him. So many people needed him..including me. He was the first person to accept me after a longest time ever. He covered for me when the navy were after my head. He did so many things for everyone's safety. He was a great leader and no one can say otherwise.

     I looked up at the sky when the rain stopped and saw the bright sun shining on us. "Bye Iruka-sensei! See you later!" Naruto waved goodbye to Iruka-sensei before joining Team 7. We smiled as Naruto ran towards us. I giggled as we walked together before smiling and looking at the clear sky again.

     We will live on, with the will of fire that you have passed on to us in our hearts...

The Next Day..

     Ding dong Ding dong

     I woke up to the sound of the annoying doorbell. I opened my eyes and groggily went towards the washroom. I hadn't seen Tiger ever since the funeral. I guess he was only there to help me. I wish I got his real name.

     Ding dong Ding dong  

     "Coming!" I shouted over as I quickly changed my clothes and ran down the stairs. I opened the door to reveal Kakashi. "Sensei?" I asked in confusion. "Let's go for ramen with the team?" he asked giving me a close eyed smile. I grinned and him before replying, "Yeah! Give me a minute though." 


     "Ahh That was delicious!" Naruto commented as he put his arms behind his head. "Why did we come to the training grounds?" Sakura asked Kakashi. "Because we need to-" he stopped suddenly. "What's wrong Kakashi-sensei?" I looked at where he was looking at and saw that same mysterious boy from before playing with lightning. He immediately stopped and looked at us when he noticed someone was here. "Oh!" A smile came on my face as I ran towards him, "Tiger!"

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