Chapter 21: Trouble

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>>Pic of Akira cause it's cool<<

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV

     I smirked when felt their chakra signatures. Just when the proctor was about to call the match off, the wind suddenly picked up, a bit too much actually. Leaves danced around to circle a particular spot, and one could only wonder why...

     "The pervy sensei and egoistic duckbutt have finally arrived!" I exclaimed before faking my apologies when I saw their glares, "Oh my, I'm sorry. I meant, The great Kakashi of the Sharingan and the last of the amazing Uchiha, Sasuke, have arrived."

     "Sorry we're late. You wouldn't believe the traffic," Kakashi gave a closed-eyed smile. "Right," I deadpanned at them. "Why the heck is he wearing a onesie?" I mumbled in question but was ignored. Sasuke seemed so different and I could only wonder how his hair grew noticeably in only two months. The crowd roared in excitement making me scoff. "What a show-off. No need to make such a dramatic entrance."

     I smiled at the conversation down there. Naruto and Sasuke are getting along so well. Wait a second, they wanna fight each other... How did I come to the conclusion that they're getting along?

     I locked eyes with Sasuke and smirked, him returning the smirk. I silently told him to win with my eyes and he understood. Well, at least I think he did. "You seem so sure he'll win... Sorry to break it to ya, but no one has ever beaten Gaara before," Daiki comments. I roll my eyes and reply, "Well, Sasuke's gonna be the first one!" Daiki chuckled and shook his head. "He'll be withdrawing in no time."

     "Shut the f*** up before this fist reaches your face! Sasuke's gonna win, and that's that!" I fume with my fist coming up. He sweat drops and inches away from me.


     "Ow! Ow! Owwww! Alright, alright!" I clutch my head in pain when Sukai shouts at me. "Not like I'm one anymore, ya know," I comment out loud by mistake. "You okay?" Kakashi asks out of nowhere. "Waah!" I scream in surprise, "Don't scare me! Oh.. I was about ready to rip your head off if Sasuke got disqualified," I nodded at the thought. He sweat dropped and laughed nervously. "Well, why're you here? Aren't the contestants the only ones allowed to be here?" I ask.

     "Well, yeah. But I wanted to ask how your fight went. Did you win?" He asks glancing at Daiki. "You bet I did!" I grinned. He gives me what I think is a decent smile. "That's great. Sorry I couldn't watch you," He apologizes. I pout in reply, "That was a bit disappointing, but it's fine!"

     "Oh, Kakashi-sensei! It was amazing! I.......and finished him off! And Aki-chan's fight was awesome too! She........and bam! She won!" Naruto filled Kakashi in about our fights. I chuckled and watched as Gaara faced Sasuke, a murderous look in his eyes. My chuckle immediately ceases and I feel the nervous butterflies in my stomach.

     Damn, this isn't even my fight!

     "Mind if I come in between you two?" Kakashi asks Daiki and I with his signature smile. "You act as if we're a couple... Please do," I sigh and move to the side so Kakashi had space to lean onto the railing between Daiki and I. "Oh, if you wanted it that way, why didn't you say earlier? I would gladly have such a beautiful-  gah! Sorry, but I'm an injured person here!" Daiki gets interrupted with Kakashi pushing him 'slightly' with a scary smile on his face. "I'd recommend you stay away from Akira. I don't think I want to see someone dead today." I break out into a laugh at his over protectiveness. It's funny when Kakashi shows his fatherly side.

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