Character Profile

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>>Pic of OC<<

Name: Akira Chevelzo (Ah-key-rah She-vell-zo)
Meaning of first name: Bright or Clear

Meaning of last name: A vow to my God (My God, vow)

Age: 12

Date of birth: Jan 4th

Place of birth: The Kingdom of Kurisutaru

Appearance: Silver hair, Scarlet eyes (Picture above)

Likes: Family, true friends, dumplings, dangos, ice cream.

Hates: Getting called weak, the government, fake people,  people who take innocent lives, people who let their friends down.

Personality: A bit shy and distant when you first meet her. But when she gets comfortable, she's sarcastic, funny, fun to be around, has a good control over her emotions, gets triggered easily due to her past.

Mother: Harumi Chevelzo (Ha-rue-me She-vell-zo)
Meaning of first name: Spring beauty

Mother: Harumi Chevelzo (Ha-rue-me She-vell-zo)Meaning of first name: Spring beauty

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Father: Takeshi Chevelzo (Tah-keh-she She-vell-zo)
Meaning of first name: Warrior

Father: Takeshi Chevelzo (Tah-keh-she She-vell-zo)Meaning of first name: Warrior

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(I just can't find a good picture..Imagine him older.)

Brother: Eric Chevelzo (Eh-rick She-vell-zo)
Meaning of first name: Eternal

(4 years older than Akira)

(His hair is silver, and his purple eyes came from his mom)

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(His hair is silver, and his purple eyes came from his mom)

Personal Bodyguard: Kyle Suzuki (Kile Sue-zoo-key)
Meaning of name: Handsome(Kyle) Bell(Suzuki)

(3 years older than Akira)

(3 years older than Akira)

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