Chapter 17: Danger In The Mountains

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Person's POV thoughts: Italics

Sukai's dialogue: Bold and Italics

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV

     "You want to leave the village to train?" Gramps asked to make sure he heard correctly. "Hai," I said with a firm nod. I didn't see why not. The old man sighed as he rested his back on the chair. "I don't know, Akira. You're targeted. Your safe place is here in Konoha," he said. I stepped up at that, "I can protect myself from the marines now, thanks to you and Kakashi." He sighed again and looked out the window, "You're in the bingo book, dear. It seems that someone saw you fight Zabuza and Haku, and found you worthy of being in the bingo book."

     I took a few steps closer, and examined it. The picture was a blur, the only thing people could tell, was the scarlet eyes. But if you closely examine the picture, and then see me for real, advanced people will surely know.

     I was named Scarlet Demon. Clearly, this person who saw me wasn't close enough to hear my name being called my everyone. I was a B-Rank, In the bingo book for unknown power that could kill. There was the description, while the rest of the information was marked N/A.

     Description: Has an unknown power that when unleashed, releases a vast amount of chakra and white cloak protecting the Scarlet Demon, her eyes a burning scarlet. A possibility that she is a host, but not of any of the tailed beast, for she only had one tail - And as we all know, the one tailed beast is Shukaku which is in Sunagakure. 

     I frowned at it. It's the wanted poster all over again. "Akira. Do you still want to go?" Gramps asked, his face showed seriousness. I looked at him for a minute before my eyes showed determination. I slammed my hands on his desk.

    "If I can't protect myself, how can I protect my friends? I'm absolutely sure I can go through to this. I am not weak! I need to prove that I can protect as well! I won't let anyone die because of me ever again. That's why I need to train harder! And just going out there is training, so please Lord Hokage, allow me to go. I will prove to everyone that I'm strong and I will protect those who I care about using that strength!"

     Gramps then nodded with a smile on his face. "That's what I wanted to hear. You have the will of fire, child. Your determination to protect others will surely make you stronger. Here's the letter that has your permission to leave," he handed me another piece of paper. I grinned at him in satisfaction and nodded. "Also, I want you to promise me you will stay within the Land of Fire," he states. With a smile I reply, "Hai!" and turned to leave but before I closed the door the hokage wished me luck, "Akira, be careful. I trust your actions." I nodded with a grin, "Hai! Arigato, Hokage-sama!"


     "Aki-chan!" I heard a familiar voice call out. I turned to look at my blonde hyperactive knucklehead teammate. "Naru!" I exclaimed, before letting my gaze land upon an old man with Naruto. "Who's he?" I asked Naruto. "Pervy Sage," he simply replied. "Pfft-" I clamped my mouth in an attempt to be polite and not laugh. "Naruto!!! I told you to stop calling me that!" Pervy Sage shouted. "Are you going to be training Naru, Pervy Sage?" I teased while giggling. He sighed and replied, "I guess so... and my name is Jiraiya."

     I blinked at him and waited for a second to see if he was joking, but when he said nothing and looked serious, I realized he really is the Sannin Sage. "Woah! You mean one of the three Sannin?!" I exclaimed in excitement, my eyes shining like a little kid. Jiraiya-sama smirked before nodding. "Huh, Aki-chan? You know Pervy Sage?" Naruto asked with his brows furrowed in confusion. "Yup. The students of Hokage-sama, and the legendary three Sannin—Jiraiya, Tsunade, and... Orochimaru," I frowned at the last name. "Eh, I couldn't care less. I'm gonna be even more legendary than them! I'm gonna be the greatest Hokage ever! Believe it!" Naruto claimed with a fist bump.

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