Chapter 9: Zabuza and Haku

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>>The picture above is of Sukai, but just imagine the eyes...I'll put a pic of the eyes in the next chapter. And the wolf is bigger. :p<<

Akira POV

     I sighed happily as I rubbed my full stomach. That was delicious, couldn't ask for anything better after a hard day of training. "I've been meaning to ask you, just haven't gotten the chance. Why have you still continued to protect me even after I lied to bring you here?" Tazuna asked. "Those who stray from the path of justice have no courage, but under the wing of a strong leader, cowardliness can not survive," Kakashi answered. Silence. "Huh?" Tsunami asked finally. "That was a quote from the first hokage," I answered while smiling.

     "...But why?" Inari asked out of the blue. It was then that I noticed him crying. "Hm? What'd you say?" Naru asked like an idiot. "All this stupid training is just a waste of time! Gato's got a whole army. They'll beat you down and they'll destroy you! All the things you say -- they don't mean anything! No matter what you do, the strong always win, and the weak always lose!" Inari continued.

     I looked down at the table and gulped down the memories threatening to break lose. I'm sorry Naruto, but I can't. I think Inari's right. The strong always win, and the weak always lose. Always. But I still believe we can win. Why is that so? I'm interested to see how this arguments gonna play out.

     "Speak for yourself. It won't be like that for me, you got that?" Naruto countered back as he laid his head in his arms. "Why don't you be quiet? Just looking at you makes me sick! You don't even know anything about this country, you're just butting in! Always laughing and playing around! You don't what it's like to suffer and be treated like dirt!" Inari shouted. I gritted my teeth at this. I haven't been in Konoha for long, but even I could see just how much Naruto suffered.

     "Listen to yourself whining and complaining like some sorry little victim," Naruto said in annoyance, "You can whimper all day for all I care. You're nothing but a coward!" "Naruto! You went too far!" Sakura shouted as Naruto grunted and headed to his room. I got up calmly and said, "No, Sakura. Naruto has every right to say that. If anyone knows how it's like to suffer and be treated like dirt every day, it's Naruto!

     "How do you know the kind of life he lives?! How do you know that he's always happy and has a carefree life?! What gives you the right to judge us when you don't know a single thing about our lives?! You say we don't know a thing about this country, but at least we're not judging it!" I let all my anger out and headed to my room, leaving a crying Inari.

Kakashi's POV

     I walked over to Inari, and sat next to him under the bright moon. "Naruto and Akira can be a little.. harsh sometimes, but they don't hate you. Your grandfather told us what happened, to your father. You probably don't know this, but Naruto and Akira kind of also grew up without a father. In fact, Naruto never knew either of his parents. And he didn't have a single friend in our village. As for Akira, after she lost her family, she wasn't invited anywhere. She had to keep moving from village to village after people found out who she was. She was never accepted anywhere, except for Konoha. 

     "Still, I've never seen them cry, sulk, or give up. Naruto wants to be respected. Akira wants to belong somewhere and to protect her friends, to never let someone die again. My guess is, they got tired of crying, and decided to do something about it. Even though they're young, they're still learning. They know what it means to be strong. Like your father did. I think they know better than any of us -- what you're going through.

      "What Naruto told you earlier, as cruel as it sounds, they probably told themselves a thousand times before. When Akira was saying all that stuff to you, it's because she knows what Naruto felt when you said that he doesn't know what it feels to suffer and feel like dirt. They've both been through that, yet they don't give up," I explained to Inari giving a close-eyed smile in the end, as he looked up to me amazed at what I had told him. Well that's all I got to say. I'm sure he understands now.

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