Chapter 22: Fighting Alongside the Third Hokage

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Third Person POV

     The two Senjus unwillingly charge towards Sarutobi and Akira. The anbu shout out some warnings as Hashirama attacks Lord Third. He successfully blocks all attacks and catches Lord Second coming at him. Fortunately for him, the silver haired princess blocks Tobirama's attacks and tries her best to keep up with his barrage of punches. Sarutobi grabs Tobirama's leg and flings him at Hashirama. The second stops himself at his brother's side and wasting no time, Sarutobi makes signs for a jutsu, "Fire Style: Fire Dragon Flame Bombs!"

     Akira wished to aide him, therefore choosing a wind jutsu, "Wind Style: Air Stream!" A strong flow of air came from her hands, and although only a C-rank jutsu, it strengthened the fire greatly. The blazing fire shot towards the brothers and did burn them a bit. But Tobirama did a water style jutsu that got so much water that it drowned the fire even though it was with wind.

     The younger Senju did yet another water style technique that created what looked like a tornado around him. And then it all came crashing down, not before the current hokage made a mud wall. Akira stared in awe at the strength of the hokages. They were stronger than she imagined. She gulped as the water surrounded the wall, causing her to jump on top of the mud wall along with Sarutobi.

     Akira channeled chakra to her feet and jumped down the mud wall, landing above the water. She was going to help her hokage to fight against Hashirama, but she had her own problems to handle. Tobirama was charging at her and she could only wonder how she was going to defeat a former hokage. Akira used her Ripping Torrent water style jutsu, but the previous hokage deflected it with his own jutsu. They were having a stare-off, each analyzing their opponent.

     Perhaps I should use an earth style jutsu and not water style, considering that he's the most powerful water user in history, Akira's thought, The bad thing is that I suck at Earth style. I know the mud wall jutsu but It's not even close to the size of Lord Third's, and no matter how hard I try to make it stronger, my progress isn't going very fast. Then there's that new jutsu I managed to learn, but It's probably no good. I just learned it and it's not even perfected.

     While Tobirama's thoughts were, She's taking this time to think up a plan I assume. Smart girl, but does she really think she can win against someone who used to be hokage? I'm sure she doesn't, but trying to stall me is the best she can do for Sarutobi. But it's quite surprising for the Chevelzian princess to be a ninja... Complicated, she says. I really wonder what happened.

     And before she knew it, the former hokage disappeared out of her sight. She gasped and tried to spot the second hokage in vain and got kicked on the back, making her fly and hit the mud wall. Each time she tried to compete in who can be faster with landing a hit or jutsu to the other person, she would lose. It wasn't very surprising though. After all, aside from the Yellow Flash, who can actually defeat the creator of the Flying Thunder God jutsu in speed?

     "Ugh..." she groaned as she pushed herself up, putting up a tough face through all the stinging pain her body gave her. She didn't notice before, but half the roof was covered with plants, something that was slowly taking over the whole roof. She jumped over when trees started coming from the ground under her. "Hidden Wood style jutsu," she mumbled out in realization. "Behind you!" a voice warned, helping her to block the kunai that was heading for her throat.

     "You can't afford to get distracted, princess," the white haired hokage informed. She looked down in hesitation but looked straight into his red eyes and said, "I'm no longer a princess. Someone like unfit for that title," she sadly, yet firmly stated. His eyes widened in surprise but being controlled by the jutsu, he jumped back to where Orochimaru and Hashirama were, just as some big roots started to come after her.

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