Chapter 20: Akira vs Daiki

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>>Pic of Akatsuki<<

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Third Person POV

     A huge gust of wind blew around the arena when our weapons clashed. We both backed away when no one was overpowering the other. So our strength in taijutsu is mostly the same.

     I decided to make the next move and made the hand signs for my favourite jutsu. "Water Style: Liquid Bullet," I whispered with my hands circling my mouth before a stream of water shot towards Daiki. He moved to dodge, but I moved along with him - though he was faster. I did train to be faster, but that wasn't my top priority. I became as quick as he was before the training month, but obviously he trained int hat area too.

    I sighed when the water didn't hit him, but froze when he disappeared. Frantically looking out, I took a kunai in my hand to be ready. Behind!

     I whirled around almost too late, but because of trying to be quick, he pushed me far back. I pressed my feet on the ground for balance and lunged at him. We did a few clashes before he decided to do a jutsu. "Earth Style: Sandwich," he smirked. "Hah?" I mumbled at the weird name.

     I gasped as two big rocks started squeezing me in between them. Or sandwiching me as the name suggests. "Ugh!" I cried in pain when it pressed harder. I tried in no avail to push the rocks away. "Come on, Aki-chan! Do something! You're gonna get crushed!" Naruto shouted. I activated my akarigan and glared at one of the rocks. "Saihyō," I mumbled and Ice immediately covered it. I put more chakra into it, causing in to break into pieces. As soon as that broke, the other stopped pushing. If you look near enough and pay close attention, you'd see these almost invisible lightning-like threads that connected to the rock from my eyes. And that's how I froze it. "Way to go, Aki-chan!" Naruto cheered.

     I smirked at the gaping Daiki. He shook his head to get over his surprise and looked at my eyes in wonder. Sukai wasn't joking when she said the akarigan does more than give superior vision. Sure it takes a lot of chakra, but it can freeze objects and crush them. And I also built up my chakra a lot. Like, you don't know what Sukai made me do..

     He charged at me with a mud spear in his hand. I moved away, but his fast reflexes aided him in injuring my stomach. Jumping away to keep some distance, I coughed out blood. "Ugh.." I groaned at the piercing pain and gripped the wound to stop the bleeding. I looked down to see the damage and winced. That went deeper than expected.

    "Aki-chan!" My hand glowed silverish as I healed my wound but stood up to fight. "Well, looks like I got you quite a lot," Daiki smirked. I just glared at him and frowned at the fact that I got this deep wound while he doesn't have a single scratch on himself. I underestimated his speed. He's gotten much, much faster.

     Don't worry, kid. You've got me. Your body immediately gets my chakra to heal you. You're just wasting your chakra in drawing more of mine to heal it.

     Got it.

     I let go of the wound to notice that the bleeding stopped. I watched Daiki smiling as he made a figure out of sand. "Eh..?" my eyes widened as I recognized the figure, making it look like I'd just seen a ghost. Well, actually it did feel like that. My body shook in fear of what he was gonna do with the figure. "No..." I whispered when the sand figure became realistic like an actual person. The actual colours. He looked exactly the same. 

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