Chapter 38: Welcome Party

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Akira's POV

     "Well, how do I look?" I twirled around and posed to add an effect. Kyle chuckled, "Beautiful as always, Princess Akira." I grinned at him before turning towards my stylist and thanking her for her efforts. God knows she spent a lot of time and energy fixing up the big mess that is called Akira Chevelzo. It actually took a while for us to choose a dress for me to wear. I didn't mean to be picky but looking back, I realize I should've settled with a dress sooner. It's just that no matter how strikingly gorgeous the dresses were, I could only see myself being so very uncomfortable in those. It wasn't something I wanted to wear for a welcoming party.

     However, I've fallen in love with the dress that I chose. It wasn't too much, and it wasn't too less. I looked back at the large mirror and marveled at how breathtaking the dress was. It was a two piece cream white gown. The top was mostly lace and the bottom flowed down freely with absolutely no wrinkles. My white heels were so gorgeous that it was shame that it was covered up by my long dress. I took the white delphinium that some talented person made into a beautiful bracelet and slipped it on my hand.

     "Princess, you forgot to wear your necklace," Mrs. Yoko raised the necklace and motioned me to turn. I stared at the necklace and slightly grimaced. Again, it was too much for my tastes. Don't get me wrong, it looked gorgeous. I just couldn't see myself in all those diamonds. "Please, Mrs. Yoko. I'd think it would suit you more. I don't think I need that, not with this dress I've got." I politely smiled at her before heading to Kyle who was waiting at the door with a soft sigh.

     He escorted me downstairs, but on my way there, I noticed that the hallways lost a lot of the pictures that were hung when my parents were still alive. Kyle offered me a sad smile when he saw that I was looking at the walls in confusion. "They trashed most of the picture. We only saved a few," he explained. I nodded in understanding before looking around again once we reached the Great Hall. I immediately froze as the memories hit me like a brick. Sure I had come yesterday, but I went to my room using a different entrance. I had been holed up in my room ever since then, getting bombarded with stylists. It was the first time I saw the Great Hall since that fateful day.

Flashback (just a reminder)

     A gasp left my mouth when we entered the Great Hall (the main room in the castle). The officer General with the white cape bordered with gold had his sword out and so did father's guards, standing protectively between the government officers and my father. Father looked absolutely outraged, his face scrunched up and his hand on the hilt of his sword.

     I spun around when I heard footsteps to see there were a bunch of government soldiers with guns and swords behind us. The realization that they got us surrounded and there was no place to run sent shivers down my spine. I gulped as Kyle took a step closer to me, his hand tightly gripping his own unsheathed sword-


     "Akira," Kyle shook my shoulder. I blinked at him, realizing my eye had become watery. Refusing to cry, I cleared my throat and looked at Kyle, "Yes?" Kyle gave me a knowing look and gently took my hand, "It was a long time ago, okay. It's in the past." I solemnly nodded at him with sigh before heading towards the large decorated doors that I knew led to the ballroom. 

     When I stepped into the loud room, the first thing I noticed was that the ballroom had completely changed. Instead of the usual fancy designs on the wall, it held curious pictures that the more I stared at, the more I realized it told a story, the story of Kurisutaru. It was also a bit bigger than I remembered. Kyle smiled at me, "The ballroom was practically destroyed that day, so we when we reconstructed it, we decided to make it bigger and a bit different."

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