Chapter 5: Working As A Team

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Akira's POV

     "Drop us from the program?! That means we can never become ninja! You said if we couldn't take the bells, we'd be sent back to the academy. You can't just change your mind and kick us out! Why would you do that?!" Naru shouted in rage. He had a point on that, to be honest. Plus, I was really looking forward to being someone who helps others in need.

     I looked over to Naru to see that he was really really angry. I can't imagine how disappointed he feels in himself. I mean, he wanted to be hokage more than anything, and if he couldn't even become a ninja then being hokage was nothing more than a silly dream. "Because you don't think like ninja. You think like little kids. Like brats!" Kakashi-sensei replied. Sasuke, who was obviously agitated by Kakashi's words, sprinted towards him in an attempt to hit him. But of course, Kakashi-sensei took his arm and sat on top of him with his right foot on his head. How could he even hope to get a hit on Kakashi?

     "You think it's all about you," Kakashi-sensei muttered while Sasuke tried in vain to escape from Kakashi-sensei's grasp. "LET GO OF SASUKE! YOU CAN'T STEP ON HIM LIKE HE'S SOME BUG!" Sakura screamed like some maniac. I blocked my ears fearing I'll become deaf with her ear-splitting voice. I just hope that one of these days, I can hold myself back from injuring her severely.

     At this point I tuned myself out of the conversation. When I tuned back in again, Kakashi-sensei was in front the K.I.A stone. I read it in a book, just never took the time to come see it myself. "The names engraved on this- Well, they are all ninja who are honored as heroes in our village," Kakashi-sensei explained, a pained look in his eyes. "That's it, that's it, that's it! Now I know! I've decided I could have my name engraved on that stone! I'm not gonna live and die for nothing. I'm gonna be a hero! A hero!" Naru excitedly exclaimed, throwing his arms out to emphasize the fact. I immediately shot up from my sitting position, and hit Naruto on the head.

      "Idiot! They are heroes that are K.I.A. - killed in action. That means they all died while fighting to protect Konoha. I'm not letting your name be put on there any time soon, Naru,"  I firmly informed the boy as I made my way to the stone. "This is a memorial stone, and names of my closest friends are engraved here," Kakashi-sensei muttered sadly, shoving his hands in his pocket. So he has lost honorable friends, huh? That's why he comes here everyday. I squatted down when I realized my uncle's name was on it. I should have expected that.

     Minato Namikaze. I never met him, but to think that I'd at least have one family member out there would be nice. I really wish I met him, I bet I would've loved the man. I mean, from the stories I've heard from my dad, Uncle Minato was an amazingly carefree yet hard-working guy. I could get used to that. I think Uncle Minato's son is Naruto, but I can't be so sure. I mean it's Naruto Uzumaki, not Naruto Namikaze.

Kakashi's POV

     I saw her trace the letters of Minato-sensei's name on the stone with a sad expression on her face. Just like the time she stared at his picture at the Hokage's office. I'm just really curious as to why. Does she know him? No, she was a baby the day of the Nine Tails attack. If not, then she wasn't even born. Plus, it's her first time here - as far as I know at least.

     "Alright, I'm going to give you one more chance. But I'm going to make it much harder on you. You have three hours to get a bell. Eat lunch now to build up strength. But, Naruto doesn't get any. It's your punishment for breaking the rules and trying to eat by yourself. And if anyone tries to feed him, that person will immediately fail," I said sternly, hoping this bunch won't disappoint. "I make the rules, you follow them. Got it?" I then hid behind a tree nearby and concealed my chakra.

     Naruto's stomach grumbled in hunger while Akira, Sasuke, and Sakura ate their lunches. Akira sighed again as he said that this was no problem. She should be called the sighing queen. I mean, just how many times has she sighed today again? I've lost count. Akira gave Naruto a chunk of rice. Well, more like shoved it in his mouth while he was talking.

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