Chapter 23: Tiger

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>>Pic of ?(Mystery)<<

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

>>Pic of Hikage(it's a name, not a kage

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>>Pic of Hikage(it's a name, not a kage. I name (most of) my Oc's according to what it means in Japanese)<<

Third Person POV

     Akira couldn't stand doing nothing at all to help, so she put her hand flat on the ground and summoned her midnight black wolf. Hikage wasn't just any wolf, he had a lot of blood on his paws and up till now was only in contracts with murderers. After all, why would a peaceful leaf shinobi want a killer? But Akira wanted to change him. She wanted to show him that killing isn't everything, so she made a contract with him.

     The black wolf pulled on the chains with his sharp teeth to free his master, but the chains only got tighter, causing him to let go immediately. Akira ordered him to go help the current hokage, warning him not to kill anyone, no matter how much she wanted the snake's head cut off. Hikage did as he was told, knowing that it was for the best and that once they defeat the enemy, she'd be free.

     Sarutobi and Hikage fought with our enemies for a while before the second hokage cast a jutsu on the third hokage. Akira couldn't tell exactly what jutsu it was, but she knew that her hokage couldn't see the attacks coming from the Senjus. Hikage could only block so much of the attack. He was no match for a hokage, therefore getting severe injuries from protecting Lord Third. And all the while, Akira could only watch and cry while hearing the words Sarutobi spoke. That even if he dies, another hokage will rise up with that same will of fire...just like her uncle, the fourth hokage, Minato.

     The silver haired konoichi was angered that she couldn't do anything, again. Her scarlet eyes watched as the third hokage prepared to use that demon that he summoned. She couldn't grasp how exactly it was going to work, but she knew it was going to take her family away from her. That's right, she made a new family here in Konoha. And now she was watching them disappear again.

     "Lord Hokage, you mustn't!" I cried helplessly, "You have a duty to stay with Konoha. You have to stay alive!" Yet he only smiled at me and said, "It is because I'm Hokage that I must do this. To protect my home. To protect my family," At this point, Akira had two waterfalls coming out of her eyes. She couldn't take his death. She wouldn't allow it.

      "Gaaaaaah!" she screamed as she tried her hardest to get rid of the chains using Sukai's chakra. She didn't care if she was a bloody mess in shreds by the time this was all over. She wouldn't stay still. Not again.

     It seemed that the reaper took time to get ready. It was enough time for her to try and get out of this one last time. "AAAHHHHGGGHHH!" she screamed as the chains ripped through her flesh. She fell at her side as blood poured out from her mouth. She was out of energy, out of blood as she fell to the ground with her blurry vision. How useless... She thought as she laughed bitterly.

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