Chapter 26: Feelings of Betrayal

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Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV

     I hid behind a tree, watching the fight between the sensei and two Akatsuki. I won't interfere unless I know their life is in danger. After all, interfering means disobeying Kakashi, and disobeying Kakashi means punishment. I'd like to avoid that if I can. I shook my head in worry when Kurenai used genjutsu against Itachi-kun. He's an Uchiha. You can't hope to beat an Uchiha in genjutsu, especially Itachi-kun. I had to lean that the hard way.

     My hands clenched when Kurenai got tied to the tree instead of Itachi-kun. My vision blurred as soon as I thought it was time for me to go help them. I realized Itachi-kun's eyes were on mine, and in a blink of an eye, I was waking up on my bed to the blinding light the sun offered.

     What? A dream?

     Are you an idiot?

     I blinked in surprise before realization hit me. I was in a genjutsu. But it was weak. I narrowed my eyes to a glare. If he thinks he can just underestimate me and cast such a weak genjutsu, he's wrong. I've worked hard in genjutsu training, and I'm gonna prove that it paid off. I put my hands together to gather just enough chakra to release the genjutsu, and I snapped back to reality.

     Asuma was currently in a fight with Kisame on the bridge, while Kurenai was aided by Kakashi against Itachi-kun, all of whom were on the water. Kisame chuckled and got ready to do a water style jutsu, the water already forming. Recognizing the hand signs, I decided to help.

     "Great Shark Bullet Jutsu!" we shouted at the same time, both our jutsu's colliding. Kisame looked at me in surprise. Looks like I hid my chakra well before. I glanced at Kakashi's shadow clone right behind Asuma. Even if I wasn't here, Kakashi would've done the same.

     I sighed at my useless attempt to be useful. At least Kakashi has more chakra now.. "I congratulate you for getting out of the genjutsu. Looks like you've grown stronger," Itachi-kun praised. I kept a glare towards him, but I couldn't lie, I was happy that he complimented me. "You..!!" Kisame recognized.

     "But I thought you would know better than to show yourself to me," Itachi-kun said, "I spared you the first time, but I warned you the next time we meet, I wouldn't sgive a second thought about capturing you."

     "That's right," Kisame added, "I kept it a secret from leader that we let you go, for the sake of Itachi and I's partnership. But this time, we will capture you, Scarlet Demon.."

     Kakashi looked at me in alarm. The look on his face told me that he was questioning why he wasn't informed of my previous encounter with them. I gritted my teeth, unsure of what to say. Kakashi's clone's hand reached for a kunai from behind, a movement not missed by the swordsman. Kisame lifted Samehada, "I'll enjoy shaving you to death, Kakashi the copycat ninja."

     "Stop, Kisame," Itachi-kun surprisingly stopped him. We all looked at him in shock. Maybe Itachi-kun hasn't changed. He's protecting Kakashi? I mean, why else? "If you fight him head on, you will suffer unnecessary injuries. Also, if we take too much time, more ninja will arrive," Itachi-kun explained. Alright then. I thought solemnly. Why did I ever think a murderer, who doesn't regret murdering his own clan, would for a second be protecting us?

     "But.." Kisame tried to reason, but got interrupted by his partner, "Don't forget our purpose. We did not come here to play." "Then tell us your purpose," Kakashi demanded as his clone poofed away. I rolled my eyes. 'Cause they'd love to tell us, enemies, what their goal is. Note the sarcasm.

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