Chapter 35: The New Beginning

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King of Utsukushi-sa, Karasu's POV

     "What does an officer from the government want from me?" I asked in a cold tone. These people.. they killed the King and Queen of Kurisutaru. "It seems like all the rulers of the five great kingdoms despise us," the captain chuckled. "What can I say, you've taken something important from our lives," I glared. If looks could kill, he'd be rotting in hell right now. "Out with it already. What is it that you want from the kingdom of Utsukushi-sa?"

     "Your majesty, we would like permission to patrol the kingdom in search of Princess Chevelzo," he answered. My eyes widened and a scowl made its way on my face. "You already did that 3 months ago," I informed, trying to keep my calm although I was fuming inside. Keeping the celestial beasts a secret has brought so much harm upon us, but handing them over to the government could cause the whole world to come crumbling down. "That was, in fact, 3 months ago. She could have very well come now. Plus, she was sighted nearby this kingdom recently," he countered with a sly grin. "When will you stop this useless search for the princess? She's probably dead! There's no point in this!" I shouted in frustration. The officer just shook his head and awaited for my answer.

    I gritted my teeth, "How long will this be?" "2 months, your majesty," he answered and I threw my head back in anger. "2 months?!" I roared as I stood up from my throne. "Yes. We'll be doing this to the other 3 Great Kingdoms as well. She's bound to come to one," he answered with a smirk. I glared at him. I can't refuse. This is the government we're talking about. "Very well. Do as you please," I sneered. "Thank you, sir," he bowed as I dismissed him. I sighed as soon as he walked out the door. I won't be letting Akira outside this castle. Wig or no wig.

    "Father," Masaki greeted as she entered the great hall. "Masaki, where is.. Maria?" I asked with the fake name Princess Akira used to get past the guards. Masaki understood what I was asking and answered with a small smile, "She is in my room. She would like to speak to you, but she can't come here," she said, trying to deliver the message. "I will come to your room personally," I nodded as I made my way there.

    "Karasu-sama," Akira got of Masaki's bed and gave a bow immediately when I opened the door to Masaki's room. "Princess Akira," I smiled and bowed slightly as well. "Was there something you needed?" I asked. "Yes. I know it's quite selfish of me, but I would like to request of you to let me stay in your castle tonight. I will leave early tomorrow morning," she said with a smile. I sighed and shook my head, "You are not leaving this castle, Princess."

     "...Pardon me?!" she asked, but quickly apologized for raising her voice. "I'm thankful for your generous offer, but I will have to decline. I will only bring danger to Utsukushi-sa. I'm sure you, the king of this country, understands that more than anyone. If the government found out that your majesty is housing a criminal, I can only imagine what they'd do to this country," she informed bitterly. I shook my head. "I understand what you mean, but the government, their officers will be patrolling the kingdom. I can't afford to let you get caught. I'm afraid that they have a plan."

    "I have a wig, and lens. I could easily-" she reasoned before I cut her off. "Pardon me for cutting you off, Akira-hime, but even if you put on your wig, they might be able to figure you out. And while the country is quite important to me, so are you." She had a thoughtful expression on her face as she considered my offer. "Very well. May I ask how long?" she asked. "2 months," I answered with a small smile. Her eyes widened, but she quickly became calm again. "As you wish, your majesty. Your kindness is much appreciated," she bowed. "It's no trouble at all, my dear. I'm just glad you're safe," I smiled before going back to the main room to get back to my kingly duties.

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