Chapter 34: The Struggle

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Akira's Pov

     News spread quickly the next day. 'The Kingdom of Kurisutaru had betrayed the government, and so, they were forced to exterminate them. However, the princess has escaped, and has sworn that one day when she's strong enough, she will kill every single one of them. The government has requested that before that, we need to arrest her.'

    I stared shocked at the false news. This was just absurd! I never knew the government would actually go to such lengths to cover up their faults, much less be this evil. I tore up the newspaper that I found on the ground and threw it away, and that's when I saw the poster of me nailed onto a tree. The picture was of me when I was in the castle, with my crown on- smiling without a care in the world. Underneath the picture, it said:

Only Alive
Akira Chevelzo
100, 000 yen"

     My mouth fell open in shock. I couldn't believe I have an amount that high on my head! I'm only 10 years old, and I haven't done anything wrong for crying out loud! All I did was run... and abandon my country. I started helplessly crying again as I touched the wanted poster. How was I going to live like this? How could I possibly escape all of this?

    "Hey, kid. You okay? Why're you out here alone?" I heard someone ask, causing me to almost jump out of my skin in fright. I found myself trying to hide behind the tree, peaking at the stranger that scared the life out of me. I looked up to find a tall boy who looked like he was in his teens. He had long brown hair and bright green eyes. I contemplated weather to run or not, but then decided to answer his question as to not be suspicious.

    "I-I..." I said in a raspy voice before I went into a coughing fit. I cried all night yesterday, using up much of my voice, and I haven't had water since then either. I had just realized that I was so thirsty. I touched the bottom of my throat and looked at the boy. He blinked a few times before cautiously approaching me as to not scare me off, and gently took my hand, "Hey, come with me. I'll give you a drink of water," he offered before giving me a once over with an amused smile, "and you look like you could use a shower too."

    I definitely could do with those things right now. I looked him in the eye to see absolute sincerity. He slowly tugged on my hand to get me away from the tree and started walking after giving me a reassuring smile. I followed him uncertainly. Could I trust him? Surely nothing bad would happen, right?

    I let go of his hand when we reached a large house. I shook my head at him, "Why..?" my hoarse voice managed to get out, but he understood so it was good enough. He raised an eyebrow, "Why I'm helping you? Because I'm human. You look like you just went through hell and- Well, Princess Akira, I'd like to help you because I'm indebted to you." My heart almost froze when I realized he knew who I was, but I held my ground and gathered the other pieces of information he added in his sentence too. I tilted my head and mouthed, 'Indebted'. He grinned and nodded before unlocking his door.

    He turned towards me before explaining, "A few months ago, my elder brother had traveled to Kurisutaru to make a deal with someone that would help our family, and this was when we were really poor. He had to stay the night in the streets and before he knew it, he was getting mugged. But this brave little princess had stopped the smugglers with her threats as the princess of kurisutaru. He told me that while she could get them arrested, she couldn't at that moment because she actually snuck away from the castle and there were no guards with her.

    "So they could've gotten away with mugging my brother, and even hurting her, and then leaving Kurisutaru before she could call on her guards. But she took the risk and fed them false threats- and it worked. They could've stopped my brother from making a deal with those people and our family could've died out if it weren't for your help and bravery. You also gave him a few gold coins and provided food and shelter for him. I refuse to believe that what the government has said about you is the truth."

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