Chapter 3: The Nine Tailed Fox!

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Person's POV thoughts: Italic

My thoughts: Bold with brackets

Akira's POV

     Today's the test and I knew I was gonna ace it. I used to love going to school everyday, but now -- this academy -- most of the girls are way too annoying and can't keep their thoughts to themselves. But something's different about that Sasuke guy. Naruto too, to be honest. I only know this because of all the training I had in Kurisutaru about how to read people's feelings, body language, speech, and the way people treat them and use it to understand how to approach the person. That was an important quality I needed as a princess.

     Anyway, I got to be Naruto's friend, but there are fangirls that obviously want me to stay away from Sasuke. Let me make it clear to you that I have no intention of being friends with those who look for outer attractiveness rather than inner. I've had my share of experiences for judging people by their appearance.

     "Aki-chan!" I heard someone familiar call me. I spun around to see Naruto running towards me. "Hey, Naru!" I happily said.That's right! My nickname for him is Naru. "Hello, Aki-chan!" he exclaimed back. We talked together while heading to the academy. "I'm gonna pass the test today! Believe it!" he beamed. "Yeah!" I cheered him on with a laugh

Third Person POV

     "We will now start the final exam. When your name is called, proceed to the testing room. The final test will be on, the clone jutsu," said Iruka-sensei with a serious face. Ugh! That's my worst technique! Great! I'm never gonna pass! thought Naruto worriedly.

     Naruto stepped into the room and got ready. Alright get it together, Naruto! You can do this! Believe it! He thought and made the jutsu hand signs. "Clone Jutsu!" A puff of smoke appeared next to Naruto, but his clone looked so.. dead. Naruto fake laughed nervously. Iruka twitched his eyes and shouted, "YOU FAIL!!!" Even people outside the academy heard him.

     "Iruka-sensei, he's off but his moves weren't bad, and he did hang in there and replicate. This is his third try so you know he really wants to become a ninja. We could cut him a break, and pass him," said Mizuki, the white haired guy. Naruto became very happy at this statement, and looked hopefully at Iruka.

     But Iruka said, "Mizuki-sensei, the other students created at least 3 effective replications. But Naruto could only create one! And look at it. It's pitiful!" Naruto became a little angry at that. "I can't pass him," Iruka said sternly. The words stung Naruto like a bee. He was really hoping to pass this year's test! He expected more out of himself. He thought he was better than this..

Akira's POV

      I sighed as I tapped the wall in a beat with my fingers.  I heard everything because I was right outside the room. Naruto failed 3 exams in a row, huh? I also noticed when I was walking with Naruto this morning, everyone was looking at him weirdly. Like.. he was some outcast. Are those the looks he gets everyday? Sadness filled my heart at the thought. That was unacceptable.

     Naruto came out of the room angry at himself. I would've followed him if it wasn't my turn. "Hahaha! He failed! Just what you'd expect from him! How can a cute girl like you, be friends with a loser like that?" a boy snickered and then asked me. It took all my energy to keep myself from punching the guy. "Do not, I repeat. DO NOT MAKE FUN OF MY FRIENDS!!!" I shouted angrily.

     It was my turn now. Iruka-sensei and a white haired creepy dude, were sitting in the front with leaf headbands on the table. My mood changed drastically, and my eyes sparkled when I saw them! "Wow! I'll become a real ninja once I wear this, right? Right?" I asked excitedly.

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