Chapter 29: Missing Memories

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Akira's POV


     I ran as fast as my legs could take me to the hospital where Tsunade-sama was going to heal Sasuke and Kakashi. Sure It was almost lunch, but I was too tired and slept for long. Well, thanks to that I'm all awake now though. I calmly opened the door and peaked inside to see Tsunade-sama about to heal Sasuke. "Naruto, Sakura," I grinned. "Aki-chan/Akira!" They smiled as Sakura came up and hugged me.

     "Aki! You're okay, right? Pervy sage went after you, leaving me with Guy-sensei, and then when he came back he told me that you were safe and were heading back to the village with Taisho," Naruto informed. My eyes widened at the news. Jiraiya-sama talked to Tiger? And Tiger took me to the hospital? The way I heard it from the nurse is that Guy-sensei saw my limp body a few meters away from the gates when he was heading into the village to drop Sasuke off. When he realized I was in a very bad condition, he rushed the two of us into the hospital. If Tiger had the responsibility of bringing me safe to the village, he would never leave me, especially in my near-death condition.

     A rush of fear ran through my body as the possibility of Tiger being his usual self and missing was eradicated. And instead, the possibility of Tiger being captured by the Akatsuki rose to the surface. I gulped and forced my trembling body to stay still and composed. "Do you know where Jiraiya-sama is?" I asked eagerly. Naruto tilted his head, "Hmm..I don't know. You can check around the hot springs though. Pervy sage is surely doing his 'research'," he snickered.

     I sighed with a smile. "Sounds about right," I replied before looking at Sasuke and Tsunade-sama. I'll make sure to go look for Jiraiya-sama after my visit to all of these people at the hospital. I watched eagerly as Tsunade-sama put her hand over Sasuke's head, and soon, Sasuke was opening his eyes. Waiting patiently for him to sit up, I let Sakura go and hug him first. There was a spark of jealousy in me, and I knew Naruto got a full lash of it. But as soon as Sakura (finally) let go, I attached myself onto him like a koala.

      "Sasuke, you idiot. You never listen to me.." I whispered as a tear slipped out, but was immediately wiped away by Sasuke's hand. "Sorry, Aki..." he said with a tired look on his face. I shook my head and chuckled, "I'm gonna go check on Kakashi-sensei, so listen to the nurse and get better, kay?" He nodded absentmindedly before I ran out of his room and to Kakashi's. I know I shouldn't be running in a hospital, but I can't help it. Kakashi's room is really far from Sasuke's, and I don't have all the time in the world in my hands right now.

     I huffed and puffed before finally reaching Kakashi's room. "Kakashi!" I glomped my sensei who finally woke up after Tsunade-sama healed him. "Akira. Nice to see you so lively."

     "Mmhmm! Tsunade-sama- or should I say Hokage-sama? Thank you for healing Kakashi-sensei and Sasuke," I bowed in respect. The lady laughed, "No problem at all. And no need to be so formal with me." I giggled in delight, "Kay!"

     Tsunade-sama walked away to get to her other business as I watched her with a smile on my face. Finally, there's someone who can take the position as hokage for the village to be at peace.  My head dropped when my thoughts strayed towards Tiger again. I still don't know what happened to him, but I sure hope he's okay. I wonder if Itachi and Kisame are dead. I mean, they are strong and all, but Tiger's strong too. And the look on his face back then when he threatened to kill them was no joke.

     "Something troubling you, Akira?" Kakashi's voice pulled me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him without trying to hide the concern and sadness on my face. It was normal for me to open up to him nowadays. He's become more of a father figure to me, making me feel like I can confide in him with anything (other than my non-existent love life). I didn't want to worry him, but we already had the talk of telling him everything--regardless of what happens.

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