Chapter 37: Home

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Then the carriage stopped and with every second that went by, my heart beat faster and faster. We were at the place where Kurisutaru made all announcements. It was like a huge balcony attached to the castle. The buzzing of the crowd outside was incredible but it did no avail to calming my heart. Kyle grinned at me before stepping out and extending his hand to me. I gulped and placed my hand in his, taking in a long breath and closing my eyes for a second. My eyes open with determination and finally, I stepped out and lifted my chin up.

"People of Kurisutaru, your princess has returned."

Third Person POV

The place went dead silent, and I just completely froze. It was so quiet that I was sure the people below could hear the drumming of my heart. It was only for a second, though, before surprised comments were thrown around with confusion and curiosity, and the chatter became even louder than what I heard before. My feet wouldn't move even as Kyle gestured me forward. A hand fell upon my shoulder, and I glanced behind me to find one of my close friends from when I lived here, "Yuki," I breathed out with wide eyes. She gave me a grin and squeezed my shoulder before gently pushing me forward. I let out a shuddering breath before veiling my face with confidence.

I pushed through whatever force that was keeping my legs from moving and stepped to the edge so that all the people could see my face. The murmurs ceased at once. I placed my hands on the railing and cleared my throat, taking the public speaking device from Kyle and attaching it to my head so the mouthpiece was close enough to catch my voice and make it louder.

I opened my mouth to speak, but my mind was blank. Every word I prepared during the ride here flew from my mind, probably knowing that they weren't the words I actually wanted to speak, but just words a princess would say.

Maybe that was the problem all along. I keep trying to act like a stereotypical princess. The person I was before the attack. But the thing is, I'm no longer that person. I can't act like that person anymore -- It's just not me. I've changed too much for that. I've gone through too much suffering to speak and act like that anymore. I can't just speak like I've come back from a vacation. I have to be honest. I don't plan on living my life as a lie. It's too much of a burden.

I sighed into the mouthpiece, loud and clear for everyone to hear. I scanned the crowd with my eyes, as if looking at the soul of every single person. These were my people. "I had a whole speech planned out, you know," I started, licking my dry lips, "But I don't seem to remember it. What I was going to say, rather, what I'm expected to say, I can't. I just can't bring myself to act like everything's the same. Because.. it's not. I know it's going to be very different. This is the first time I've come to Kurisutaru since the attack and it doesn't look much different. But everything's changed, hasn't it? You guys have suffered under an admiral's poor guidance after losing my parents and other loved ones. You've had to build Kurisutaru up again. It's been a rough journey for all of us."

I paused as I glanced at all the broken expressions of the people as they relieved memories. I chuckled sadly, "Yeah, not great things to remember. But they made us -- well, at least they made me -- strong. As you can see," I pointed to myself, "I'm not wearing a dress or- or any formal wear. I didn't come here today expecting everything to all be fine and dandy and to be crowned princess again or whatever. I came here to talk with my people again. To see my country and make sure it's doing well.

"When I was chased out of here, I didn't know where to go. I didn't know what to do or what the point of living was anymore. I had questions that no one could give the answers to. I couldn't trust anyone for a while. But then, by some miracle, I met people who helped me. They made me realize that I was running away. And not only in the sense that I was running from the government soldiers, but that I was running away from my fears. They made me realize that I don't need to run forever. I could become strong and then one day, face my fears and overcome them—come back here and make my parents proud."

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