Chapter 25: Kotoba the Celestial Thunderbolt Tiger

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Akira's thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Bold and Italic

My thoughts: (Bold with brackets)

Akira's POV

     "Hello, Kotoba," I bowed slightly in respect. Kotoba crawled over to me before nodding his head, "Acceptable." My eyes showed confusion but I just smiled. "I appreciate your effort in trying to gather the 5 celestial beasts. I'm sure Aki would gladly help you do that," Sukai said to Tiger. "Yes, of course!" I agreed with a grin.

     "Sukai and I can combine our sensing abilities to find the other three. It shouldn't be too hard," Kotoba gruffly said as he sat beside Sukai. She rested her head against her brother's and everything went silent. I looked over to Tiger but he just gave me a shrug.

     After what felt like forever, the siblings moved to look at us. "Naoko, the Ocean Horse, is somewhere close. Within our sensing range at least," Kotoba informed. "That's great!" I grinned. "But Aki..." Sukai hesitated. "What is it?" I frowned at her sad look. "To look for Naoko and the're gonna have to leave the leaf village...and your friends."

     My shoulders slumped at that. Here I was so excited to meet Sukai's siblings but...leaving the leaf village is... "It's okay..I'll be coming back after it's over anyways," I smiled. "Can I have a few days though? To say good bye to my friends and this village?"

Tiger hesitated but ultimately agreed. I brightened up. "Thank you!"


     I awoke to the sound of my alarm and slammed it in annoyance. It wasn't even the break of dawn, why in the world did I ever set my alarm to wake me up this early? I grunted as my face hit the pillow once again.

     "I swear I'll train harder than ever. I won't let this happen in my life again. I've lost far too many people in only 12 years."

     I jolted up in realization. That's right. I was gonna change. I was gonna be stronger that ever! I ran to the bathroom and brushed me teeth, took a warm shower and bolted to the kitchen to make a small sandwich.

     I locked my door and sprinted to the village gates. I wasn't sure if I was allowed to go train outside the village(probs not), but pshh, I'm not a princess anymore. I sneakily slipped past the alert guards and went to a little clearing I found a while back. Training hours and hours on all of my weak points, I just had to make sure I collapsed and couldn't move. I sighed silently, hoping I could move sooner than later.

     Gathering all the strength I saved up in the last ten minutes I headed towards the gates, only stopping when I saw a royal wagon just at the gates. I was no amateur in knowing if a wagon was of a noble or not, even if it didn't have a symbol on it. I crept in closer to hear what the man riding the wagon was saying. "The horses are tired, and we need a fresh supply of food, as we've travelled far too long. May my king rest here for a few days?"

     "We welcome your king. Unfortunately, there isn't much we can do for you in our... unstable state, but please, let me fetch someone who can show you around after I check your wagon," the guard smiled.

     "Very well."

     I used this time to slip in as both people were focused on the wagon. My legs lead me through the busy village, I bought some weapons, bought some clothes, and after dropping the stuff at my house, I went to the top of the Hokage mountain. I wondered about the king before spotting Sasuke with a tired look on his face.

     "Why so glum, Uchiha?"

     "Nothing to worry about, Che-"

     "No no no," I glared at him, "You shall not utter that name where anyone can hear it."

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