Chapter 27: Memories of Old

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>>Pic of Itachi and Akira when they met (Holy

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>>Pic of Itachi and Akira when they met (Holy..I just can't find a pic of a little Akira..)<<

Akira's POV

     Stupid Sasuke! Can't he be just a little responsible and kind like Itachi used to be?


     "Oto-san, Oto-san! Look what I drew! It's a picture of us with Oka-san(Mother) and Eric-nii-san!" the 5 year old Akira exclaimed as she jumped on her Father. He laughed as he picked her up and set her on his lap, looking at the piece of paper in his daughter's hands. "What a wonderful drawing!" he complimented. "Your Majesty! Urgent news!" A guard reported as he rushed in.

     "Yes, of course," King Atsushi replied as he put little Akira down, causing a frown to appear on her face. Noticing the frown, the king offered her to go to the garden, "Akira, how about you take a walk in the flower garden? Kyle will accompany you." A bright smile formed it's way on her face as she politely excused herself to go to the garden. "Kyle, take care of her," King Atsushi ordered kindly with a genuine smile. "Of course, your majesty. Always," Kyle bowed and immediately followed Akira.

     "Utsukushī(It's beautiful)!" Akira exclaimed as she ran through the flowers. "She comes often, but she never gets used to it. 'The amount of effort the maids put into it is the thing that makes it even more beautiful every time I see it, so there's no way I'd get used to it' she says," one of the maids laugh in delight, as the other one joins in too. "She truly is a wonderful princess. I believe she'll be a great leader for our kingdom in the future."

     "Ah!" Akira falls as she comes in contact with something, or someone. "Hime!(Princess)," Kyle exclaims worriedly and immediately helps her up. "Eh? Who are you?" Akira asks the person she made contact with. "Hime, you should always apologize first," Kyle reminded her of her manners with a slight frown. "Ah right, gomen'nasai(sorry)! I should've watched where I was going. Are you alright?" Akira asked, peering up at the man, well boy, who was probably not much older than herself.

     He had onyx eyes and jet-black hair that was pulled back in a low ponytail. He wore black clothing, grey metal arm guards and gloves, black sandals, and three pouches on his back-waist. He also had a spiral tattoo on his shoulder, and a sword strapped to his back. Normally, she would get scared with this type of clothing, but his smile was very soft and gentle that she just couldn't run away or even get scared. Well, maybe a little, but that was only natural.

Little Akira's POV

     "I'm alright, but I think I'm the one who should ask if you're okay. You're very kind, Hime. Are you hurt?" he asked as he squatted down to my height, still having that gentle smile on his face. "I'm fine, thank you," I politely answered with a slight blush. He chuckled before standing up again to meet eyes with Kyle who was protectively standing next to me. "Identify yourself," Kyle ordered. "Itachi Uchiha. Ambassador of Konohagakure. I have come with my father to have an audience with the king. I believe he is expecting me," he introduced, "However, it seems that I've lost my way." "..Itachi-kun?" I asked. "Hm? Yes, Hime?" he asked with a smile. I blushed and replied, "You have a nice name." He stared at me for a moment before chuckling again, "Thank you, princess."

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