Chapter 6: A Dangerous Mission

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Sasuke's POV

     It's been about a week with our team doing these boring mission. We're now at the Hokage's office getting our next mission. We just finished getting someone's cat, and I'm not surprised it ran away from the owner. She was crushing the cat in her hug. Who wouldn't want to escape that?

     "Noooo! I wanna go on a real mission! Something challenging and exciting! Not these little kid stuff. Come on old man!" Naruto said while forming an 'x' with his arms. He's got a point though. For once, I agree with the dobe. Iruka-sensei then shouted at him that he's just a genin and stuff. Naruto was about to shout again, but Kakashi sensei hit him on the head. Glad he did, because his constant shouts were giving me a headache.

     "Will you put a lid on it?" Kakashi said sounding annoyed. Of course he'd be annoyed at the dobe. Everyone is. "Naruto. It seems you don't understand the tasks you have been given." the hokage said while Naruto clutched his head in pain. "Listed many different kinds of requests come to our village everyday. From babysitting to assassinations. These requests are carefully recorded, analyzed, then ranked - A, B, C, or D. Depending on their difficulties," Lord Hokage explained, but it was quite boring. We already knew this stuff.

     So instead, I listened to Naruto talk about his ramen. It was more interesting. Even Kakashi, Akira and Sakura were listening to him instead of the hokage. "Silence!" I heard the hokage's voice boom. "Oh, sorry", Kakashi said while sheepishly rubbing the back of his head. "Gah! You always lecture me like you're my grandfather! But I'm not the little brat who used to pull pranks all the time! I'm a ninja now, and I want a ninja mission!" Mr. Hyperactive-dobe shouted.

     Then Iruka-sensei and Lord Hokage started chuckling. "Naruto wants us to know that he's not a brat. That he's a former brat, and he wants a mission. So be it." he said. And that perked up my interest. We're actually going on a mission that's above D-rank?

     "Since you are so determined, I'm going to give you a C-ranked mission. You'll be bodyguards on a journey." he explained. "Really? Yes! Who? Who? Are we guarding a princess? Or a big counselor?" Naruto asked. It was barely noticeable, but I saw Kakashi and Lord hokage glance at Akira when Naruto said that. I wonder why...

     "Don't be so impatient. Send in our visitor," he said. We all looked behind, only to see a drunkard enter the room. "What the...? A bunch of little snotty nosed kids?" he slurred as he took a jug from the bottle he was holding. I have no respect for him at all. I saw Akira make a disgusted face at him from the corner of my eye. "And you, the little one with the idiotic look on your face. You really expect me to believe you're a ninja?" he asked.

     "Hahaha! Who's the little one with the idiotic look on his face!" Naruto laughed, but soon fumed in anger when Akira, Sakura and I came closer and from tallest to shortest, it was me, Akira, Sakura, and then him. He charged at the drunkard screaming out insults, but Kakashi held him back. "And you! The one with white hair. I don't need granny's protecting me!" he said.

      I expected Akira to be angry, but she was surprisingly calm. "My hair is silver, and I'm not a granny. As you can see, I am young, and a ninja capable of protecting you with the help of my comrades. I hope you can understand." she calmly yet sternly said. You could kind of see that she was ticked off, but she kept it well hidden. Naruto started throwing insults at him again. Once a dobe. Always a dobe. Especially if you're Naruto.

     Then the drunkard spoke up, ignoring the dobe. "I am Tazuna, a bridge builder, and I must return to my country. I'm building a bridge there that will change our world, and I expect you to get me there safely, even if it means giving up your life."

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