Chapter 15: The Preliminary Rounds

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>>Pic of Haru Izanagi<<

Person's POV thoughts: Italic

Sukai's dialogue: Italic and Bold

My thoughts: (Bold with Brackets)

Akira's POV

     Sasuke had won. That was to be expected, but wasn't at the same time because he had the curse mark. I was impressed to say the least. He fought the curse mark, and from what Sukai has told me, that's pretty impossible. I watched as Sasuke followed Kakashi. I wanted to see the sealing for future references, but first I had to make sure my fight wasn't yet. I looked at the board in hope that my name wouldn't be shown. I wanted to make sure Sasuke was okay too. 

     I sighed in relief when Shino's name showed up, along with a sound kid's name. I quickly exited the place and followed Sasuke and Kakashi's chakra signatures. When I arrived at the creepy place they were in, Sasuke was sitting in the middle a circle made of writings. There were also writings that went down his bare back from his curse mark.

     Kakashi immediately noticed my presence. "Why are you here?" he asked as Sasuke looked at me in surprise. "Just wanted to make sure he was alright," I casually stated, "And see how this sealing takes place for future references."

     Kakashi sighed, but proceeded with the sealing without another word. With a few hand signs, he placed his hand on Sasuke's curse mark. Soon, the room was filled with his screams as the strange writing on the ground started to make it's way on Sasuke's body and to his curse mark.

     I winced at the sight, and the loud screams of my raven haired teammate. Before long, it was all over, and I was relieved. I couldn't take seeing him like that any longer. Sasuke collapsed on the ground after Kakashi told him the precautions he has to take, the seal wasn't as strong. He had to have a strong will. I stood beside Kakashi, just watching Sasuke's limp body.

     "My, how you've grown," a cold, frightening, and scarily familiar voice echoed through the room. My heart skipped a beat in alarm and fear, and I could only stay frozen in fear. "You..." Kakashi said with venom in his voice, "Orochimaru," I blocked out his voice, trying to calm myself. But when I heard my name, I turned around to face him with a glare.

     "And the young Chevelzian princess as well. How interesting," he mused. I growled at him in anger and confusion. Once again, he calls me that. And I can only wonder how he knows. Kakashi sent a quick glance my way in a questioning manner. "How?" he asked in one word, but I understood. "I don't know," I said through gritted teeth.

     The damn snake only chuckled in amusement, and said, "I encountered a few.. strangely dressed people," I tensed at that. Could it be...?  "They claimed to be looking for a traitor princess...and told me some details that were very helpful." Yup. How convenient. Note the sarcasm. "I did my research, and found that they were from a different world. Along with the traitor, Chevelzian princess they spoke of," he grinned evilly. I narrowed my eyes at that. But then a thought hit me.

     "Different world...?" I asked in disbelief. I knew I was definitely far away from home, but a completely different world? Just what exactly is going on? "That's right. But let's put that aside. I didn't come for least not today. I came for the boy," he got right down to business. I protectively stood in front of Sasuke yet again.


     We were back in the place where the preliminaries were being held, and boy was I glad that my turn hadn't come yet. After Pedo-snake left, I spent a little time watching Sasuke with Kakashi reassuring me that he'll immediately get me when my turn comes. 

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