Chapter 4: Aspiring

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Akira's POV

     "Well, he's not coming any time soon that's for sure!" I cheer as I lay my head on the desk. Our team, Team 7, is an exception for four genin. That's Sasuke, Sakura, Naruto, and I. I knew our team leader would be Kakashi, considering that he is supposed to be assigned a team today and the rest of the teams have already been introduced to their sensei by now. God knows Kakashi can never be early.

     "Why is it that only our team's leader is late? The other teams have already gone off somewhere with their new teachers, and Iruka-sensei also left!" Naru complained with a throw of his hands. "Don't look at me," Sakura sighed and sagged her shoulders in impatience.

     Tick Tock Tick Tock

     "Hey, what're you doing, Naruto?!" Sakura shouted in alarm. "Can't you see, pinkette? I'm sure kami(God) has blessed you with good sight," I commented with boredom lacing my voice. Sakura grumbled under her breath. She should be glad I didn't hear whatever she said. Naruto put a chalkboard eraser high between the door. "That will be his fault because he's late," Naruto said annoyed. "Man! You're asking for it!" Sakura shook her head and started pacing around. "Hmph. A jounin wouldn't get caught in such a weak booby trap," said Sasuke as he looked out the window.  "That's right. You're such an idiot!" Sakura screeched. We saw a hand on the door, and sure enough, Kakashi-sensei fell for it.

      The eraser dropped on his head, as Naru burst into laughter. "Get real. Is he really a jounin?" murmured Sasuke. "My first impression on this're a bunch of idiots," Kakashi-sensei stated calmly. The three of them got lines of gloom over them. And I just twitched my eyes in annoyance. "Well, of course that's not including Akira," he once again stated while looking at me. I smiled in satisfaction. He had the same bored look in his eyes as always though.

      But then his eyes widened in surprise as he looked at me. "Is something wrong Kakashi-sensei?" I asked in confusion. "Your eyes..." he started, "They're...just not the same." What?! I immediately rushed to the washroom and looked into the mirror. Sure enough, my eyes weren't the same.

     They were blood red, unlike my usual scarlet colour, and had this weird blue four-sided star in the middle. But it was slowly changing back to my scarlet eyes. Well, Go bless, but why did that happened? I headed back to where my team was, and Kakashi thankfully ignored the fact that my eyes turned weird for a few seconds. The rest of my team, of course, already got distracted by something else.

     We were now on the roof as Kakashi-sensei started, "Why don't you introduce yourselves, one at a time."

      "What are we supposed to say?"

      "Things you like. Things you hate. Dreams for the future. Hobbies. Things like that,"

      "Why don't you go first, sensei?"

      "Me?" Well, who else is our sensei here? "I'm Kakashi Hatake. Things I like...things I hate...I don't feel like telling you that. My dreams for the future...never really thought about it. As for my hobbies...I have lots of hobbies," Kakashi-sensei introduced with a close-eyed smile. I sweat dropped and shook my head in amusement. That's Kakashi for you. "Well, that was totally useless. All he really told us was his name!" Sakura deadpanned. "Uh-huh," agreed Naru with a nod. "Alright your turn. You on the right. Go first," Kakashi-sensei said, pointing to Naru.

     "Believe it! My name is Naruto Uzumaki. I like instant ramen in a cup, and I really like the ramen Iruka-sensei got me, at Ichiraku's. But I hate the 3 min you have to wait for the ramen. My hobbies are eating all kinds of ramen and comparing them. My future dream is to be the greatest hokage, so the whole village will stop disrespecting me and treat me like I'm somebody, somebody important," Naru beamed while adjusting his headband. I smiled at his introduction, and if I didn't know better before, I would've thought his dream would be to become some ramen tester, I swear. But he's determined to become hokage, and one day, I know people will respect him. "Alright, next."

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