Chapter 31: The Battle of Disappointment

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Akira's POV

     "Welcome back, guys!" I waved from my place at the gates as my team returned with Morino-sensei from a mission. While I would've usually participated in the mission with them, it was given to us just a few hours after Tiger returned to the village, and I sure as heck wasn't going to let Tiger be alone for a couple of days after the stunt he pulled.

     "Akiiii!" Naruto and Sakura greeted just to receive a big hug from me. "I missed you! Did the mission go well? No injuri-" my eyes were scanning each of their bodies before I realized Sasuke looked like he really needed to go to the hospital. I frowned at the Uchiha boy who seemed caught up in his own little world, "Let's get you to the hospital."



     "Sasuke? I'm entering," I called out before sliding the hospital room door open and stepping into the room. Sasuke was looking out the window with a deep frown that had been etched onto his face since I saw him at the gates. "Sasuke," I said again as I closed the door and walked closer. The boy didn't answer, but it was obvious he was deep in thought about something stupid. I sighed and lightly bumped him on the head, "Hey, you!" "Ow!" Sasuke exclaimed as he clutched his head before looking at me, "Aki?" I grinned and sat down on the stool provided next to the bed.

     "I heard about the mission," I started as I carefully observed his face. He scrunched up his face before looking out the window again. I sighed and lifted my arm to touch his hair. He gave me a questioning glance that I smiled to. I slid into the bed and lay my head on the pillow.

     "What are you doing?" Sasuke asked warily. "Calm yourself, I'm not gonna try and come onto you," I snorted, "Who do you think I am? Ino?" I shook my head before pulling on Sasuke's shirt. He was still in a sitting position, which was bad because he really needs some rest. Sasuke sighed and laid down. It was a pretty small bed, so we both moved to our sides to face each other.

     We had a mini staring contest before I shook my head with a small smile playing on my lips. Coming into serious matters, I sighed and asked, "What's up?" Sasuke blinked and shook his head, "Definitely not God." I scrunched up my eyebrows in confusion, "Um.. well, okay then. What happened for you to feel so dejected? Did you profess your love for Naruto and he rejected you? Sorry, man, you can't possibly beat Saku-" I paused when I registered the dark look on his face. "Oh hell to the no, Sasuke. What did Naruto and Sakura do to deserve that dark look at the mention of their names?" 

     Sasuke groaned and turned around, "I can't have this conversation with you, Akira. You wouldn't understand." I stared at him in disbelief, "Yea. You are making this pretty difficult for me to understand." "That's not it, Aki. You and I don't look at the world the same. I can't be like you. I can't just accept everything for the way it is."

     I pursed my lips in annoyance. I really couldn't understand what he was saying. A knock was heard from the other side of the door, and it made me sit up out of surprise. I jumped off the bed and sat down on the stool again. "Sasuke-kun, may we come in?" Sakura asked before a grumble was let out and the door slid open by Naruto. Sakura sighed and walked in the room. Sasuke was sitting up by then, but he was blankly staring out the window again.

     Sakura had brought some apples for Sasuke to eat since hospital food is trash, and Naruto decided to tag along. I completely zoned out when Sakura and Naruto started fighting again. Honestly, I couldn't figure out why Sasuke was just so hard to deal with. I could find a million reasons why he's so dumb and why I should leave him alone, but a million other reasons why I should help him. I still couldn't comprehend that one of my childhood idols had become a monster. It was really hard to believe, considering Itachi used to be the type of guy who gave importance to family. He always told me to treasure them. 

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