Chapter 28: Uchihas.. Such High Maintenance

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Akira's POV

     I run up the steps of the inn in a hurry, knowing that Sasuke has picked a fight against Itachi-kun already. Slamming the door open to the second floor, I run down the halls, spotting Sasuke at the corner with the chidori at hand. "SASUKE, DON'T!" I scream, but it was too late. By the time I reached the turn, he was sprinting towards his brother. I wasn't sure who I was scared about; Sasuke or Itachi-kun. But in a blink of an eye, Itachi-kun had directed Sasuke's hand to the side, causing a hole to blast through the building. I silently watched in fear of what was gonna happen now.

     What are you doing?! Go save the young Uchiha! Itachi could kill him!

     That's right. What am I doing caring about Itachi-kun? Sasuke could die here and now if I don't do anything. I flinched as Itachi twisted Sasuke's hand. "Don't touch Sasuke, dammit!!" I shouted as I lunged towards Itachi in anger. I was done believing in him. He's hurt my friends far too much. What did Sasuke do to deserve this? Isn't killing his parents, his whole clan, enough for the poor Uchiha?

     Unfortunately for me, Kisame hit me with the Samehada, instantly making me lose chakra. "Aki..! Don't get yourself involved! This is my fight!" Sasuke exclaimed. I gritted my teeth in irritation. "Let me help you for once, idiot! You don't need to do it alone! I-" my words stopped when I saw Kisame try to cut Naruto. I gasped in horror and stood up but, thank God, Jiraiya finally arrived to block the attack. I watched him dumbly as he boasted about how they couldn't keep him away with beautiful women. I was about to shout how irresponsible he was to leave Naruto alone, but then decided to keep my mouth shut.

     I groaned as Sasuke stood up spouting nonsense. "How idiotic could you be?! Do you really think you can take Itachi down?! I told you already! You're just being a bother to Jiraiya-sama!" I shouted, once again trying to convince the stupid Uchiha to think this through.

     "And what about you?! You didn't have to follow me!" Sasuke glared. "For the love of God, would you please understand that I care about you? Don't just freaking lunge yourself to get killed! You're seriously such an idiot!" I shouted in anger.

     "Maybe you should listen to Akira-sama. I'm not interested in you at the moment," Itachi said after giving me what I think was an amused look. But Sasuke got agitated by his words, "Well then get interested!" he tried to land a punch but Itachi kicked him back with no effort.

     "You need to understand the the world doesn't revolve around you," I said in anger towards Sasuke. "Right now, Naruto's in trouble. And I know Itachi did an unforgivable act that just destroyed your happiness. But would you care for Naruto just a bit, and understand that you're just making things worse?" I wanted this to stop before Sasuke or Naruto got anymore hurt than they already are. 

     When Itachi made a move towards Sasuke, I opened my mouth yet again to convince these stupid Uchiha to get some common sense. "Enough, Itachi!" I shouted in pain. "Stop it! He's your brother, for crying out loud! What happened to the Itachi-kun who showed me kindness???"

     Ignoring me, he zoomed towards Sasuke and caught him by the throat. I jumped up and tried to get past Kisame but I couldn't. Jiraiya sort of created a distraction and I managed to escape the fish, but I was slightly late, again. Sasuke was trapped in the mangekyo sharingan and I couldn't do anything about it. "DAMMIT!" I screamed and blasted Itachi away with a wind jutsu.

     I helplessly lifted Sasuke's body and held it close. I knew what Itachi did. I just knew. He made Sasuke live that fateful day when Itachi murdered everyone. And he's making Sasuke go through that thousands of times. "You're cruel. You're too cruel. What did Sasuke ever do? Why did you do this to him..? Sasuke, wake up. Please," I cried, trying not to let my tears out. I couldn't imagine how much Sasuke was suffering at the moment. If I was forced to relive the day my family died, I don't know what I'd do.

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